Appointment Navigation

Appointment card

Within the appointment dashboard, you can click directly on an appointment to review its details and access a range of functions.

At the top of the appointment screen, you'll find the following:

  • An appointment number assigned by the system.
  • The current status of the appointment.
  • A collections alert if applicable to the patient. 
  • A group of dark blue action icons. 

These action icons include the following options:

  • Delete
  • Workflow
  • Edit
  • Check-In
  • Print

In the event of a collections alert, you retain the ability to view and modify the appointment. It is important to note that RXNT does not impose any restrictions on scheduling appointments for patients. 


To delete the appointment, click the Red Trashcan icon

Using this function will not only cancel the appointment, it will remove the appointment from the calendar and the patient completely. Click here to learn more about canceling an appointment!

To delete a single appointment, click Delete. To delete an appointment series, click Delete Series. 


Click the Workflow icon to review the history of changes to the appointment status. 

You will see the date and time the change was made as well as the User’s name that made the change. 


Click the Pencil icon to edit appointment details. 

Make edits to appointment details such as the location, person resource, material resource, appointment type, appointment status, insurance case, and appointment notes. Once a change is made, click Save.

You cannot modify the appointment date, time, or duration from this page. To make those changes, please Reschedule the appointment. Click here for more details on how to reschedule an appointment!

You can update the appointment Status and Type, directly from the drop-down menu, without needing to click the pencil icon. To change the status, simply select the new option and click Yes to confirm. 


Click the Check-In icon to change the appointment status to Check-In Completed. Once done, the icon will no longer be available. 


Click the Print icon to review a document detailing the appointment.

Either save it to your device or print the document. 

Appointment tab

An appointment card consists of four tabs: Appointment, Payment, Checkout, and Timeline. The Appointment tab opens by default and displays all the details of the appointment, starting with the patient's demographic information. Additionally, there are various action icons related to the patient.

These actions include:

  • Dashboard
  • Case
  • Superbill
  • Eligibility
  • Attachments
  • Appointment Recall
  • Call In
  • Facesheet
  • History
  • Reminders
  • Reschedule
Click the Dashboard icon to view the patient dashboard.

The dashboard is a convenient place to review demographics, insurance case(s), and the patient’s appointment timeline. 

Here, you can also schedule a new appointment for the patient, click here for more information!

The same action items found on the appointment are also accessible here.


Click the Case icon to review the patient’s insurance information.

Review the patient's insurance case(s) and if applicable, click New Case to add another.

 Deleted and deactivated cases will be listed but grayed out. 


From the case window, you can add a payer, prior authorization, and patient relation. Click Save once complete.


Click the Superbill icon to generate a superbill for this appointment, allowing you to bill for this visit. 

If a superbill has been associated with the appointment type (configured in Utilities), that superbill will appear here with your pre-selected procedure codes to choose from. If not, you will need to select applicable procedure codes from the large list. Once complete, click Download as PDF or Generate Encounter to create an encounter for billing.


Click the Eligibility icon to generate comprehensive health benefit coverage details. 

Complete the fields and click Check Eligibility.

Click the icon in the View column to view the eligibility log. 


Click the Attachment icon to view previously attached files or upload a file to be associated with the appointment.

To upload a new attachment, click Choose File to select a file from your device. Enter a Title (required) and an optional Description, then click click Save. To view an existing attachment, click the file name, or click the Download icon to save the file to your device. 

Appointment Recall 

Click the three vertical dots to view the remaining action icons, then click Appointment Recall to review recall messages assigned for this patient and also add new recall messages. 

Recall messages serve as internal reminders for the practice. Set it for a specific date that you want staff to be reminded of clinical information or item(s) requiring action. Click here for more information regarding recall messages!

To add a recall message, complete the criteria using the dropdown menus, date and memo fields, then click Add Recall. Review existing recall messages below. Use the X icon to delete a recall message. If applicable, you can access the patient’s Dashboard from this window by clicking the Dashboard icon next to the patient’s name.

Call In 

Click the three vertical dots to view the remaining action icons, then click Call In to indicate staff is ready to see the patient and assign or update the visit's material resource. 

Click Complete Call-In to record the call in and its timestamp. If applicable, click the Assign To dropdown menu to assign the appointment a Material Resource once ready for their visit.

The Call-In window will now display the timestamp of when the call in was recorded and the material resource if one was assigned. 

The appointment status will change to Called and the appointment block on the appointment calendar will display the status preview as CLDIN to inform other staff users of the update. 



Click the three vertical dots to view the remaining action icons, then click Facesheet to review the patient’s demographics, insurance and copay information. 

Review the information and Print if needed. 


Click the three vertical dots to view the remaining action icons, then click History to review any changes made to the appointment and by whom.

The Latest Version represents the appointment as it currently stands. Click on the previous versions to view the appointment details before changes were made. Each version will detail the staff user’s name that made the change and the timestamp indicating when it was made.


Click the three vertical dots to view the remaining action icons, then click Reminders to view reminders for this appointment and their status.

 Patient reminders are configured in Utilities, click here for more details!

Not using the patient reminders product but interested in learning more about it? Contact our Sales Team by calling 800-943-7968, option 3, or emailing

View the reminder communication method, reminder date and time and delivery status.

  • Sent reminder:

  • Future reminder:

Patient reminder preferences can be edited in their demographics. 


Click the three vertical dots to view the remaining action icons, then click Reschedule.

The Reschedule option will not display if the appointment is in Completed status.

Select a date in green, indicating availability. Filter by the person resource and appointment type if needed. Review the available appointment time slots to the right and choose an appointment time that works for you.t. 

Complete all appointment details, verify the information is correct and click Save.

Below the patient’s demographics are the appointment details and additional functions. 

The appointment details and functions include:

Date and Time

The date and time of the appointment will display here as well as Single or a Repeating frequency to indicate recurring appointments. To edit the date and time, click the pencil icon at the top of the appointment window. 

Person Resource

The assigned person resource for this appointment will display here. To edit or add more person resources, click the pencil icon at the top of the appointment window.

Material Resource

The assigned material resource for this appointment will display here. To edit or add more material resources, click the pencil icon at the top of the appointment window.


The assigned practice location for this appointment will display here. To edit, click the pencil icon at the top of the appointment window.

Appointment Status

The current appointment status will display here. To edit, click the appointment status dropdown menu and select the new applicable status.

A confirmation window will appear at the top of the appointment window; click Yes to confirm the appointment status update. 

Appointment Type

The current appointment type will display here. To edit, click the appointment type dropdown menu and select the new applicable type.

When the appointment type is changed, a green message appears at the top right of the screen to notify you the change has been updated successfully.

Auto Generate Encounter

Click this checkbox to generate an encounter to the linked superbill once the appointment status is changed to Completed.

A message will appear at the top of the screen to notify you the encounter has been successfully created. 

When the appointment status is changed, a green message appears at the top right of the screen to notify you the change has been saved successfully.


If there is a superbill linked to this appointment type, the name of that superbill will display here next to the superbill icon once the appointment status is changed to Completed.


The patient’s insurance case name will display here. To edit, click the pencil icon at the top of the appointment window.

Click the case dropdown menu to select a different case. Click Add Case to enter additional insurance information. Once complete, click Save.


In the notes section of the appointment, you can view any additional information added by users. This includes the name of the user who added the note, as well as the date and time stamp. To add, view, or edit notes related to the patient or the appointment, click the Pencil icon next to the note box.

Type a note in the free text box, then click Add Note. The note will show below along with any other notes that have been posted. Finally, click Close to save.

Once complete, a green message appears at the top right of the screen to notify you the note has been saved successfully.

Notes will display when hovering over the appointment from the appointment dashboard and the patient's timeline, as well as on the appointment itself.

Send Email

Click this button to send an email to the patient with the appointment details. 

An email containing appointment details will also be sent to the patient anytime an appointment is scheduled, as long as the following are true:

  • The patient’s email address is saved in their patient profile
  • Company Preferences are set to ON for the following two preferences: Email notifications to patients with patient portal and Email notifications to patients without patient portal when appointment is created.

For more information on viewing and editing Company Preferences, click here!


Once sent, a green message appears at the top right of the screen to notify you the email has been sent successfully.

The email will contain the appointment details including the practice name, date, time, duration, address and provider name.

To opt a patient out of receiving any emails, simply remove their email address from their patient profile.


Notes designated as alerts to show on the appointment will display here. These notes are added in the patient profile.

To see additional details about an alert, click the alerts Chevron. This will expand the view to show when the alert was added, the alert itself, and the name of the staff member who added it. Additionally, when you open an appointment, the alert will appear as a popup in the top right corner of your screen

To add an alert to display in the appointment alerts and as a popup on the appointment window, click the patient’s name to navigate to the patient profile.

Once on the patient profile, click Notes.

Type the note in the free text Notes box. Be sure to check the Appointment checkbox below to select a Scheduler Alert, then check the Alert checkbox, followed by Add Note. The note will show below along with any other notes that have been posted. Finally, click Close to save. 

A green message appears at the top right of the patient profile screen to notify you the note has been saved successfully.

Patient Forms

Patient forms will be displayed here to send to the patient directly from the appointment window. Forms that have been linked to Appointment Types in utilities will automatically be selected.

Patient forms are added to the EHR.

For more information on creating and editing patient forms, click here and here!

Click the Patient Forms arrow to expand the view and display all patient forms, including Consent and Intake Forms.

To send forms to the patient, check the checkbox associated with the form you wish to send, then click Send.

Once sent, a green message appears at the top right of the screen to notify you the patient forms have been sent successfully.

Payment tab

Processing credit card payments in the Scheduling application will only be available if your practice is also enrolled in the RXNT Billing application and the Payment Processing product. However, accepting payments in the Scheduling application for record purposes remains available without the Billing application. Click here for more information on processing credit card payments in the Scheduling application!

Click on the Payment tab from the appointment window to record patient payment, print a receipt or delete a payment. 

When reviewing charges, pay attention to the copay amount, self-pay fee, patient balance, and fund balance. To make a payment, enter the amount and choose the payment method from the drop-down menu. If necessary, add a payment note (optional). Once everything is in order, click Accept to record the payment.

If a case is not specified for the appointment, you will see the following notice on the payment window reminding you to select a case in order to generate the proper copay amount.

Upon successful payment acceptance, the system will present you with the following details:

  • System-assigned payment ID number
  • Staff user name of the person who recorded the payment
  • Date of payment
  • Payment amount

To review the payment receipt, you can either save it to your device or print it by clicking the Print icon. If you need to remove the payment, simply click the Delete icon. 

To review the patient's payment history, access the RXNT Scheduling application. From the home screen, navigate to the Appointments tab and select the patient's name. On the patient's dashboard, click on the Payments icon to view a detailed log of all transactions made by the patient.

Click on Pay History to view a list of all payments made by the patient.

Review the  payment ID numbers, staff user’s name that recorded the payments, the dates and amounts. Click the red X to delete a payment. 

Checkout tab

Click on the Checkout tab from the appointment window to review checkout notes from the provider, the clinical summary and checkout the patient from their appointment.

Checkout instructions are added to an encounter in the EHR by the provider if the visit is linked to the encounter and the appointment is in Check-In Completed status. Click here for more information on checkout instructions!

From this window, you can review the Checked-out Notes from the Provider and the Clinical Summary. Additionally, you can conveniently schedule the patient's next appointment. Once you have completed these tasks, click Check Out to change the appointment status to Completed.

Check out tab window outlines.png

Timeline tab

 Click on the Timeline tab from the appointment window to see a concise view of all appointments for this patient.

The timeline will display in reverse chronological order beginning with future appointments (shown in blue) and ending with the oldest.

Hover over the appointment cards to view details of each appointment.


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