The RXNT Superbill is another way for our users to capture charges. Another way is to utilize the Charge Capture function in the RXNT mobile app. Superbills are created in the EHR and Billing applications. The superbill can be sent from the EHR or Scheduling applications to the Billing application as an unbilled encounter.
Superbills in Billing
The best thing to do first is to create Superbill Groups prior to creating the Superbill itself. Superbill Groups allow users to place specific coding under specific headings on the Superbill. For example, E&M Coding, Labs, Testing, etc. Users can create a Superbill Group named E&M Coding, and only assign their E&M CPT Codes to this grouping, creating a well-formatted and easy-to-use Superbill.
Once created in the RXNT Billing application, users can see the Superbill in Scheduling, as well as Billing.
Superbill groups
You have the ability to create specific groups of coding if you would like. This way your coding is under certain headings on your Super Bill. For instance, you make a Super Bill Group named "Office Visits", and assign all of your E&M codes to this group. You can then assign these groups to specific Super Bills.
Click Utilities in the top right corner.
Click Practice Setup and then Superbill Setup.
Click Superbill Group to add a new group or view existing groups.
In this view you can see all existing superbill groups. To add a new one, click New Superbill Group.
Here users will name their Superbill Group, select the Group Type (Procedure Codes, Diagnosis Codes, or Miscellaneous Charges), and search their codes. Selecting the check box to the left of a specific code will add that code to the Superbill Group. To remove a code, simply deselect the checkbox. When all the correct information is entered, click Save.
Create superbill
Click Utilities in the top right corner.
Click Practice Setup and then Superbill Setup.
Click New Super Bill.
Here the user can give their Superbill a name, and select the Superbill Groups to add to the Superbill. Adding the codes at the bottom will attach them directly to the Superbill, but will not add them in any order under any heading, as they are not being added via a group. It is best to add coding in a group first, then add the groups to the Superbill.
Click Save.
Display the full description on the superbill
Display the entire description of CPT and Diagnosis codes on the superbill.
Click Utilities.
Click Preferences and then Company Preferences.
Click the dropdown menu next to Display Full Description on Superbills and select Yes.
Click Save.
Display "Culture Sent" indicator on superbills
Display or Hide the Culture Sent checkbox on superbills.
Click Utilities.
Click Preferences and then Company Preferences.
Click the dropdown menu next to Display "Culture Sent" Indicator on Superbills and select Yes.
Click Save.
Add a superbill to a patient
Once the Superbill is created, users can select a superbill from the Patient Dashboard in the Billing solution.
Click Superbill.
Select the correct Superbill and Location from the dropdown menus.
Click Ok.
Superbills in Scheduling
All superbills created in the Billing application will be available in Scheduling. Link superbills to appointment types or appointment statuses.
Add a superbill to a patient
Access a superbill from within the patient's appointment or their patient dashboard.
Open the appointment and click the Superbill from the light blue action icons.
Complete the superbill by selecting the procedure codes and diagnosis codes applicable to the visit.
Scroll down to enter applicable notes and the provider's name in the Dr. Signature field.
To download and/or print, click the Download as PDF button.
Once complete, select Generate Encounter to create an encounter in the Billing platform.
Navigate to the patient's dashboard and click Superbill.
Select the desired Superbill and Location from the dropdown menus.
Click Save.
Complete the superbill by selecting the applicable procedure codes and diagnosis codes.
Scroll down to enter applicable notes and the provider's name in the Dr. Signature field.
To download and/or print, click the Download as PDF button.
Once complete, select Generate Encounter to create an encounter in the Billing platform.
Print bulk superbills
Users can print bulk superbills categorized by Patient, Provider, or Appointment Type.
From the Appointments tab, click Print Superbill.
Select the desired superbill from the Select Superbill dropdown menu.
You can choose to Print Superbills by either:
Patient Name - When selected If the same patient has multiple appointments, the patient is listed only once in the grid. On the print preview screen, all appointments are present. The sorting is in the ascending order of the patient’s last name.
Provider Name - When selected If the same provider has multiple appointments, the provider is listed only once in the grid. On the print preview screen, all appointments are present. The sorting is in the ascending order of the patient’s last name.
Appointment Time - When selected to print by appointment time, all appointments are displayed in the grid as well as the print preview screen. The sorting is in the ascending order of appointment time.
Superbills in EHR
Create superbills in the EHR within individual encounters. The coding from the encounter will sync to the superbill. Available to clients enrolled in the RXNT full-suite product or EHR only.
Add a superbill to a patient
Access a superbill from within the patient's dashboard or from the provider dashboard.
Navigate to the intended patient's chart and click Encounters.
Once an encounter has been created, the superbill can be accessed in both Draft and Signed status. Click the three vertical dots to expand the menu options.
Click Superbill.
The superbill will display with the patient's identifying information, procedure codes and ICD-10 codes.
To add a code, begin typing within the Search field for procedure or ICD-10 codes. Once the correct code populates, click to add it.
To remove a code, click the red X icon corresponding with the code.
To add a note, scroll down to the Notes field and enter the applicable text. The superbill will display the user's name that created it along with the date it was created.
To sign, type your name within the Dr Signature field.
Download as either a CSV file or PDF.
To complete and save the superbill, click Billing Complete.
A popup will appear confirming you wish to close the note as Billing Complete, click Yes.
The encounter will now be listed in the Archived Encounters tab within the main menu header of the provider dashboard.
Click Encounters on the main menu header from the provider dashboard.
Click the Awaiting Billing tab.
Click the Superbill icon for the encounter you wish to generate a superbill.
The superbill will display with the patient's identifying information, procedure codes and ICD-10 codes.
To add a code, begin typing within the Search field for procedure or ICD-10 codes. Once the correct code populates, click to add it.
To remove a code, click the red X icon corresponding with the code.
To add a note, scroll down to the Notes field and enter the applicable text. The superbill will display the user's name that created it along with the date it was created.
To sign, type your name within the Dr Signature field.
Download as either a CSV file or PDF.
To complete and save the superbill, click Billing Complete.
A popup will appear confirming you wish to close the note as Billing Complete, click Yes.
The encounter will now be listed in the Archived Encounters tab within the main menu header of the provider dashboard.
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