Accept and Process Credit Card Payments in Scheduler

You can save time by quickly processing credit card payments to the patient's balance, patient fund, and co-pay amount in Scheduler when patients are over the phone or in the office.

Credit card payments to the patient balance in scheduler

Use accept payment option

Click Accept Payment.

Search for the patient. 

Select Credit Card from the Payment Method from the drop-down.

Select the Patient Balance radio button.

Enter the credit card details.

Enter an amount equal to or lesser than the encounter balance amount for one or more encounters. 

The total payment amount will be displayed in the Balance Amount field.

Click Accept.

A payment confirmation appears. Click Ok

The payment will be added to the Applied tab within Billing. 

Use the appointment payment tab

Open the patients' appointment. 

Click on the Payment tab on the appointment screen.

Select Credit Card from the Payment Method from the drop-down.

Select the Patient Balance radio button.

Enter the credit card details.

Enter an amount equal to or lesser than the encounter balance amount for one or more encounters. 

The total payment amount will be displayed in the Balance Amount field.

Click Accept.

A payment confirmation appears. Click Ok

A payment will be added to the Applied tab in Billing.

The patient's outstanding balance will be included in the Copay Report, making it easy to confirm whether patients who are in the office for an appointment have an outstanding balance!

View patient balance amounts for patients with an appointment today by selecting the Co-Pay Report from the Appointments screen.

Credit card payments to the patient fund in the scheduler

Use the accept payment option

Click the Accept Payment button.

Search for the patient. 

Select Credit Card from the Payment Method drop-down.

Select the Patient Balance radio button.

Enter the credit card details.

The Balance Amount field is zero in this example as the patient doesn't have an encounter balance. The encounter balance will be displayed here based on the encounters selected and the payment amount entered for each encounter.

Enter an amount in the Other Amount field.

The Total Amount will be displayed.

Click Accept.

A payment confirmation appears. Click Ok

This amount will be directly added to the patient's fund.

Use the appointment payment tab

Open the patients' appointment. 

Click on the Payment tab on the appointment screen.

Select Credit Card from the Payment Method drop-down.

Select the Patient Balance radio button.

Enter the credit card details.

The Balance Amount field is zero in this example as the patient doesn't have an encounter balance. The encounter balance will be displayed here based on the encounters selected and the payment amount entered for each encounter.

Enter an amount in the Other Amount field.

The Total Amount will be displayed.

Click Accept.

A payment confirmation appears. Click Ok

This amount will be directly added to the patient's fund.

Credit card payments to the co-pay in the scheduler

Use accept payment option

Click the Accept Payment button.

Select Credit Card from the Payment Method from the drop-down.

Select the Co-Pay button.

Enter the credit card details.

Enter an amount lesser or equal to the co-pay amount in the Payment Amount field.

Click Accept.

A payment confirmation appears. Click Ok

A patient payment will be added to the Unapplied tab in Billing.

Use the appointment payment tab

Open the patients' appointment. 

Click on the Payment tab on the appointment screen.

Select Credit Card from the Payment Method from the drop-down.

Select the Co-Pay button.

Enter the credit card details.

Enter an amount lesser or equal to the co-pay amount in the Payment Amount field.

Click Accept.

A payment confirmation appears. Click Ok

A patient payment will be added to the Unapplied tab in Billing.

Track in-office credit card payments without charging

Scheduling Providers can track in-office credit card payments without charging the customer twice by selecting the Processed in Office checkbox.

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