Patient Snapshot Dashboard


The Patient Snapshot Dashboard is a dynamic feature designed to enhance the functionality of our EHR software by offering providers immediate access to a comprehensive overview of patient information. This feature will be accessible through a new tab on the patient dashboard titled Patient Snapshot.

The Patient Snapshot is part of RXNT's Advanced Reporting feature, available to practice's with an Advanced Reporting subscription and corresponding licenses.

Viewing the Dashboard

From the patient dashboard, click Snapshot on the navigation menu.

The Snapshot tab will display as "Snapshot (beta)". 

snapshot nav menu.png

Can’t locate the Snapshot tab? Click the Settings gear to customize and sort the tabs of your patient dashboard navigation menu.

navigation menu.png

Understanding the Dashboard

The dashboard displays clinical patient data, and certain fields within the dashboard can be filtered. Click here to learn more about filtering advanced reports!

The top of the dashboard details the patient's Problems, Past Medical History, Encounters, Allergies, Prescriptions, Recent Lab Orders and Recent Lab Results in table format. 

Top outlined.png

Scroll down to reveal the remainder of the dashboard, detailing the patient's vitals in line graph format.

Bottom outlined.png

Sort data

Hover a column header to reveal sort arrows. Click the arrows on a header to sort by that column.

Sort arrows.png

Download or save data

Hover any table or graph to display the Save icon. Click the icon to:

  • Download the table as a CSV or XLSX file which includes all data in the table/graph, or
  • Save as PNG which takes a snapshot of the table/graph as it currently displays

Encounters download.png


The Problems table includes all diagnoses entered into the Problems tab of the patients chart. First displayed is the Date the Dx was added, the ICD-10 Description, the Status of the Dx and the Severity, if indicated.


Past Medical History

The Past Medical History table includes all prior medical Hx entered into the PFSH tab of the patients chart. First displayed is the Date the entry was added, the ICD-10 Description, the Status of the entry and the Problem, if indicated.

Past MEdical Hx.png


The Encounters table includes all entries created within the Encounters tab of the patients dashboard. First displayed is the Date of the encounter, followed by the Chief Complaint documented in the encounter. 

Encounters of any status are included.



The Allergies table includes all allergies entered into the Allergies tab of the patients chart. First displayed is the Date the allergy was added, the Allergy Description, the Reaction associated and any Comments, if applicable.

Allergies outlined.png


The Prescriptions table includes all medications prescribed within the Medications tab of the patients dashboard. First displayed is the Last Rx Date, followed by the Drug Name.

Prescriptions outlined.png

Recent Lab Orders

The Recent Lab Orders table includes all lab orders placed as of January 1st, 2023. First displayed is the Order Date, followed by the Lab Test name and the Diagnosis related to the order.

Recent Lab Orders.png

Recent Lab Results

The Recent Lab Results table includes all lab results received or entered within as of January 1st, 2023. First displayed is the Date of the result, followed by the Observation, Value, Reference Range and Assessment of the result.

Recent Lab Results.png


The patient's vitals detailed by line graphs are:

  1. Blood Pressure
  2. Respiratory Rate
  3. Heart Rate
  4. Temperature
  5. Weight
  6. Oxygen Saturation
  7. Glucose

vitals outlined.png


Filter your graph to include data for multiple measures. Click the measures dropdown to reveal the following options: 

  1. Height (in)
  2. Weight (lb)
  3. Height (cm)
  4. Weight (kg)
  5. BMI
  6. BMI percentile
  7. Head Circumference (cm)
  8. Weight Length Percentile

Weight graph filters.png

Oxygen saturation

Filter your graph to include data for multiple measures. Click the measures dropdown to reveal the following options: 

  1. O2 Saturation
  2. O2 Flow Rate
  3. FiO2

O2 Sat filters.png

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