Amend encounters
Once an encounter has been signed, it is considered part of the patient's medical record and can't be edited directly. Any additions or corrections to a signed encounter are added as an amendment.
Encounter amendments can't be released to the billing product. If an amendment contains changes to the encounter coding, the changes will need to be communicated to billing staff directly.
You are able to amend an encounter from three areas; the Today's Appointments tab, Awaiting Billing tab, or within the patient dashboard.
Click Today's Appointments from the main menu header.
Click Encounter # in the Today's Appointments list. The encounter PDF will automatically launch.
The encounter number will only display here if the encounter was linked to this visit. Click here to learn more!
Click Amend Encounter in the upper right.
Choose the Reasons from the dropdown list.
Enter all other relevant amendment information, then click Save & Sign.
Encounters can only be amended from the provider dashboard before they are released to billing. Once an encounter is released, it can only be amended from Today's Appointments or the patient dashboard.
Click Awaiting Billing from the Encounters tab of the provider dashboard.
Click the blue encounter icon to the left of a signed encounter to open the PDF.
Click Amend Encounter in the upper right. If the Amend Encounter button is not shown, the encounter has not been signed and can be edited as normal.
Choose the Reasons from the dropdown list.
Enter all other relevant amendment information, then click Save & Sign.
Search for and navigate to the appropriate patient. Click Encounters or (E) on the left side navigation.
Click anywhere on the row for a signed encounter to view the PDF.
Click Amend Encounter in the upper right. If the Amend Encounter button is not shown, the encounter has not been signed and can be edited as normal.
Choose the Reasons from the dropdown list.
Enter all other relevant amendment information, then click Save & Sign.
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