Practice tasks
The tasks module is available to customers enrolled in Electronic Health Records, Billing, and/or Scheduling. Customers enrolled in e-Prescribing only do not have access to practice tasks.
View tasks
Open tasks by clicking the icon on the messaging sidebar. An icon will indicate the number of notifications if there is a new task, mention, or comment related to a task assigned to you or your created task.
Tasks assigned to you or created by you will be displayed in the sidebar. A task that you were mentioned in will also be displayed. Unread or updated tasks will be bolded. If a task is overdue, the amount of time that has elapsed past the due date will appear on the task in red text.
Filter your tasks by selecting the arrow next to All. You can filter to see your assigned tasks, your mentions, or the tasks you created.
Complete a task
Complete a task by clicking the checkbox to the left of a task.
Create a new task
Click the + icon to create a new task. You can send a task to one person or you can @mention other staff in the comments of a task once it is created.
You can also use the text bar at the top of the page to create a quick task.
Add a task title, description, assignees, and due date if necessary. Click Add.
Open and reply to a task
Click on a task to see the full detail. The due date will display when completing the task.
Type in the text box to comment on a task, and click the arrow to send. You can also attach images or documents by clicking the paperclip. You can mention people by typing @ followed by the person's name.
Linking in tasks
Copy an encounter, patient's chart, referrals, lab results, or patient documents and paste them into a task. The recipient can click on the link and be redirected to that encounter or chart.
Navigate to the patient dashboard and click Encounters.
Locate the encounter you wish to copy and click the menu icon.
From the encounter menu options, click Copy Link to copy the encounter to your clipboard.
Expand the task panel.
Create a new task or locate the task you want to send the encounter within.
Paste the contents of your clipboard into the task comments and click Send.
You and the assignee(s) can click the link from within the task comments to navigate to the encounter.
Navigate to the patient dashboard and click the Copy Patient icon.
Expand the task panel.
Create a new task or locate the task you want to send the chart within.
Paste the contents of your clipboard into the task comments and click Send.
Included will be the Patient's ID Number, which is the 8-digit number string. You and the assignee(s) can click the link from within the task comments to navigate to the patient's chart (patient dashboard).
Navigate to the patient dashboard and click Patient Documents.
Locate the document you wish to copy and click the menu icon.
From the menu options, click Copy Link to copy the document to your clipboard.
Expand the task panel.
Create a new task or locate the task you want to send the document within.
Paste the contents of your clipboard into the task comments and click Send.
You and the assignee(s) can click the link from within the task comments to navigate to the patient's documents.
Navigate to the patient dashboard and click Referrals.
Locate the referral you wish to copy and click the menu icon.
From the menu options, click Copy Link to copy the referral to your clipboard.
Expand the task panel.
Create a new task or locate the task you want to send the referral within.
Paste the contents of your clipboard into the task comments and click Send.
You and the assignee(s) can click the link from within the task comments to navigate to the patient's referral.
Navigate to the patient dashboard and click Results.
Locate the date column containing the result(s) you wish to copy, then click on a result to display all panels and results from that date.
Click Copy Link to copy the result(s) to your clipboard.
Expand the task panel.
Create a new task or locate the task you want to send the result(s) within.
Paste the contents of your clipboard into the task comments and click Send.
You and the assignee(s) can click the link from within the task comments to navigate to the patient's result(s).
Show completed tasks
You can view any completed tasks by clicking Show Completed below your list of tasks. Completed tasks will be sorted by the date completed, with the most recent at the top.
Click Hide Completed to hide completed tasks.
Legacy tasks
If needed, you can access the legacy task feature from the EHR navigation bar.
Group sets
Create group sets with specific group names and descriptions, and add as many users as needed. Group sets can be used for tasking and messaging.
Creating a group
Click Utilities, then expand Other User Tools.
Click Message and Task Settings.
This tool is only available to users with Clinical Administrator access. Please contact your current Clinical Administrator to have your account updated with this permission. Click here to learn more!
Click + Create Group.
Enter the Group Name.
Add Group Members by typing their name or selecting them from the directory dropdown menu.
Enter a Description and click Create.
A green message will display indicating the group was created.
Manage groups
Click the three vertical dots to either Edit or Delete a group.
Within the Edit Group window, make necessary changes to the group name, members or description and click Edit to complete. Click Cancel to close without making any changes.
A green message will display indicating the group was edited.
Within the Delete Group window, click Delete. Click Cancel to close without deleting the group.
A green message will display indicating the group was edited.
Utilizing a group thread
Access group tasking from the sidebar panel. Click the chevron icon to expand the panel.
Users assigning the first task within a group
Click Tasks.
Click the plus sign.
Assign the task a Title and Description. Click the Assignee To field to enter the group name you wish to assign the task to. The group name will populate below for selection as you begin typing.
Click the Due date field to select a due date for the task. Use the monthly calendar to locate the correct date.
Click Add.
The task will now appear on your Tasks panel and those that belong to the assigned group.
Users accessing an existing task group
Click Tasks.
If you have been added to a group for which a task has been assigned to, it will dispaly here. Click on the task you wish to view and interact with.
Review the task information. If the Title, Description, Assigned Group or Due Date needs to be updated, make the necessary changes followed by clicking Update.
Click Upload or the paperclip icon to add attachments to the task.
To add a comment within the task, begin typing in the Type a comment text box.
- To add an emoji, click the smiley face icon.
Click the arrow to send the comment.
The comment will now appear within the task with a timestamp indicating when it was sent.
Click the three vertical dots to star (favorite), edit or delete your comment.
- Starred comments will appear at the top of the comment thread for quick, accessible view.
Click the thumbs up icon to ‘like’ a user’s comment.
Frequently asked questions
Who can send me a task?
All providers and staff members from any location in your company can send a task. Corporate billing staff can also send a task if your practice uses a corporate billing office through RXNT.
Who can see my tasks?
Tasks that you have created or assigned to you. If you get mentioned on a task, you can see the task. Staff members, other providers, and corporate billing staff can't see any tasks that did not get sent or mentioned.
What if I need to task a patient?
You cannot task a patient, however, patient messaging is available in the sidebar if enabled in your company preferences. Click here to learn more!
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