Clinical Admin Tools

The Clinical Admin Tools is an all-in-one EHR/eRx utility tool. The configurations are in the (avatar) Account Setup in the EHR/eRX product. The user must be a clinical administrator to delegate these rights in this tool.

Clinical Admin Tools

Bulk void

Pending or refill requests 

Archived prescriptions will be permanently cleared from the queue and cannot be retrieved. Pharmacies will not receive a response on refill requests that are archived.

Click Utilities.


Click Bulk Void within Clinical Admin Tools. 


Archive pending requests 

Select the date range and click Archive


Archive refill requests 

Click Refills


Select the date range and click Archive


CCD Export




Group Level Favorites

Manage and access group-level favorites 

Click Utilities.


Click Group Level Favorites within Clinical Admin Tools.


From here you can manage favorite drugs, custom sigs, encounter macros, pharmacies, and referrals. 

View and favorite drugs

When you open group-level favorites, it will default to opening on the favorite drugs tab.


Here you can see the list of favorite drugs. 


Add a new favorite drug

Enter the drug name and click Search


Click the drug name.


You will see it added to the favorite drug list. 


Import a new favorite drug from an existing user

Click Import.


Select a user from the dropdown.

Screen_Shot_2021-06-09_at_11.43.24_AM.pngSelect the checkbox(es) of the drug favorites you wish to import. Click Import to Group.  



Remove favorite drug(s)

Select the checkboxes next to the drug(s) you wish to remove. Click Remove Selected


View custom sigs

Click Custom Sigs.


Within the current sigs tab, you will see a list of all current sig(s).


Add a custom sig(s)

Click Add Sig.


Search the drug name.


Click on the drug name.


Enter sig details and click Add Sig.


Import custom sig(s) from an existing user

Click Import.


Select a user from the dropdown. 


Select the checkbox(es) of the custom sig(s) you wish to import. Click Import to Group.  


Remove a custom sig(s)

Select the sig(s) you wish to remove using the checkbox to the left side. Once selected, click Remove Selected


View encounter macros

Click Encounter Macros Tab.


Select the Smart Form from the My Encounter Forms dropdown. Here your macros will be listed, click on the name to view it.


Add encounter macros

Click Add Template. Select the Smart Form from My Encounter Forms dropdown. If you do not see the form listed, click here to learn how to add it to your favorites


The Smart Form will open and you can fill out the macro as desired. When done, name the macro and click Save & Preview.


Import encounter macros from an existing user

Click Import.


Select the provider name and Smart Form name.


Select the checkboxes of the macros you want to import. Click Import to Group.


Remove Encounter Macros 

Select the checkbox to the left of the macro(s). Click Remove Selected.


View favorite pharmacies

Click Favorite Pharmacies


Within the Favorite Pharmacies tab, you will see a list of all current pharmacies.


Add favorite pharmacies

Enter pharmacy name and click Search.


Click the pharmacy name.


It will now display in the favorite pharmacy list. 

Import favorite pharmacies from an existing user

Click Import.


Select a user.


Select the checkboxes of the pharmacies you want to import. Click Import to Group.


Remove favorite pharmacies

Select the checkbox to the left of the pharmacy. Click Remove Selected.


View favorite referrals

Click Favorite Referrals


Within the Favorite Referrals tab, you will see a list of all current referrals.


Import favorite referrals from an existing user

Click Import.


Select a user.


Select the checkboxes of the referrals you want to import. Click Import to Group.


Remove favorite referrals

Select the checkbox to the left of the referral(s). Click Remove Selected.


Immunization Registry

You must be registered with your state's immunization registry for HL7 submission before configuring the RXNT integration.

An Immunization Registry is a confidential, population-based, computerized information system that allows providers to collect vaccination data of the population within a geographic area. The information can be shared one-way (via export) or with a bidirectional interface. 

By collecting and exporting immunization record data, you may qualify to meet specific MIPS measures for HIE (Health Information Exchange). For more information, visit the CMS website at

First, read the HealthCareXchange: Practice On-Boarding Process.

Secondly, the customer will begin completing HealthCareXchange's Configuration Form and directly email the form to HealthcareXchange at

How to add an immunization interface to your RXNT subscription?

The immunizations interface is an optional add-on product available to all RXNT customers enrolled with the Electronic Health Records (EHR) solution.

New Customers Existing Customers

Under Enrollments on the website, add Immunization Interface to your subscription under the "Add Ons" page.

Choose between an outgoing-only interface or a bidirectional interface to send and receive immunization records for patients.


Complete the rest of your enrollment.

Click here for help with the enrollment process.

#1 Complete the integration form

Your RXNT Onboarding Coach will provide you with a configuration form to integrate through our partner, HealthCareXchange. Once your form is submitted to HealthCareXchange, they will verify your registry credentials and work directly with your state registry to connect you.

#2 Connect your interface

HealthCareXchange will provide you with information about the sending and receiving facility. Please enter this information into your RXNT account to link it to your state registry.

Log into RXNT and launch the EHR. Click on the utility icon.

#3 How To Add Immunization Settings in RXNT

The customer will need to finish a few steps in RXNT after receiving the configuration form from HealthCareXchange. Please enter the information that HealthcareXchange provides them into RXNT. See the steps below:


Enter the patient's dashboard and click Immunization on the left side to access this feature. Please click the gear icon and add it to the list if you do not see it. If you do not see it From here, click Add.


#4 Record Immunizations for Patients

This covers how to add patient immunizations in the patient dashboard section. Review our article on Encounter Plugins to learn how to add immunizations while working in a patient encounter.

#5 Add a new Immunization

Click Immunization or the I icon to navigate to the immunizations section of the patient dashboard.


Click + Add to add a new record.


Add the immunization details, including all required fields. 


Select the Include in Registry checkbox if you want to send the record to your state registry. Only immunizations administered within the last 7 days can be sent to the registry. 

An immunization interface is required for this functionality.


Click Save to add the record for the patient.


If you selected to send this to your state registry, additional information is required. Fill in the required fields, then click Add to Registry.


Request immunization records from your state registry

You must be enrolled with a bi-directional interface in order to request records from your state registry.

From the immunization section of the patient dashboard, click More Actions and choose External Source Data.


Click Request Records to send a request to your state registry for this patient's immunizations.


You'll see a message appear below the button. Registry requests may take up to 24 hours to be returned into RXNT.


If registry records are available for the patient, they'll appear in the External Data section of the pop up. Select the checkbox next to any records you'd like to add to RXNT and select Add to Active Data.


A new record will be added to the patient dashboard for the selected immunizations, and the registry record will be shown in the Active Data section of the pop up with the source "Registry."


Frequently Asked Questions

#1 What type of submission should I choose for my state immunization registry?

Choose HL7 or electronic submission. This will allow our partner, HealthCareXchange, to successfully send your practice's records to the state registry.

#2 What if I already signed up for my state immunization registry with a different submission type?

You can re-register with your state immunization registry and select a different submission type. Choose HL7 or electronic submission when registering.

#3 Who is the vendor or technical point of contact for the interface?

If your state requires a vendor or technical point of contact, reach out to to obtain the appropriate contact information.

Intake Workflow Options

Intake workflow in the Electronic Health Records (EHR) product is designed to speed and simplify the process of starting a patient visit. If you have a nurse or medical assistant taking the Vitals, History, and other initial details from patients before the physician starts the encounter - intake workflow is for you! Intake workflow can be configured by a Clinical Admin and applies to all encounters for the practice.

Configure Intake Workflow

Click Utilities.


In Clinical Admin Tools, select Intake Workflow Options.

You will only have access to Clinical Admin Tools if you are set up as a Clinical Administrator for your practice.

If you should have this access, but do not have Clinical Admin Tools, have your Practice Administrator contact us to add this access to your RXNT account.


To turn on intake workflow, select the checkbox for Intake Workflow Enabled. To turn off this feature, deselect the checkbox.


Choose which plugins to include in intake workflow by selecting the checkbox to the left of the plugin. Unselected plugins will not be included.


Intake workflow options correspond to Smart Form plugins as outlined below:

Allergies plugin
Current Medications plugin
Patient History plugins (eight individual plugins: Medical History, Surgery History, Hospitalization History, Implantable Device History, Allergy History, Medication History, Family History, Social History)
Diagnosis plugin
Vitals & Charting
Vitals plugin

Arrange the plugins in the appropriate order for your intake process by using the arrows to the right of the plugin or clicking the icon to the left of the checkbox and dragging the plugin into the desired order. This is the order that the plugins will be presented when an encounter is started.


Click Save.


Use intake workflow

Create a new patient encounter as normal from the Patient Dashboard or Today's Appointments. If the encounter template contains any of the plugins that have been enabled for intake workflow, those plugins will be presented in the order defined by intake workflow options. Enter and/or update the patient's information as relevant. Note: if the Smart Form does not include any intake plugins, the full encounter template will open immediately.Screen_Shot_2021-05-18_at_10.08.27_AM.png


If more than one plugin is presented, click Next to proceed to the next plugin.


When intake is completed, click Save to proceed to the full encounter, or click Save & Home to save the intake information and close the encounter.


If the encounter is closed, the provider can access the encounter from the Patient Dashboard, Today's Appointments, or the Unsigned Encounters screen to complete the patient visit.


Lab Interface Settings

RXNT providea our customers with interfaces for lab orders and lab results. While interfaces with LabCorp and QuestDiagnostics are the most requested, RXNT boasts connections with laboratories, radiology providers, and health networks across the US and will assess the viability of new or custom connections. If you are processing a high volume of lab orders and want to automate the process, follow the steps below to get connected. 

Step 1: Lab Interface Introduction

Navigate to to learn more about the network. 

Step 2: Ready to Get Started

Once you’ve decided to get started with a lab interface, click here to request a connection. Here, you will learn everything you need to know about requesting a lab interface. Read this page carefully as there are steps you need to understand to ensure a successful and smooth connection with your lab or radiology service provider. 

Once you’ve navigated to the bottom of the page, click Request Interface (RXNT).mceclip0.png

Complete the form in its entirety and click Submit.

Step 3: Action Required - Contact Lab / Radiology Provider

Upon form submission, you will be immediately directed to this link outlining the final actions you need to take to obtain approval from your lab company for the interface. You will also receive an email reminder with a link to these instructions.


Step 4: Pending Approval

In Step 3, you will typically speak with your lab (or radiology) sales representative to request approval for your interface. This lab sales representative will also be the best point of contact to determine if your interface is approved or rejected.

If you are unsure of whether your interface is approved, please speak with your lab or radiology provider. If you haven’t received an approval notification, please assume your project is not yet underway.

If you do not have a sales representative for the lab, please contact the lab to be assigned one. This is often necessary to get your interface approved and will help with communication during this process. 

Step 5: Notify RXNT of Approval (optional)

Click here once you have received your interface approval from the lab company. Complete and submit the form to notify RXNT that you’ve received your official approval notification.

This is optional, but it helps RXNT process your request more quickly.


Step 6: Project Kick-Off

The project is officially underway now that the lab interface has been approved. RXNT will establish and test the connection.

Throughout this process, you will receive status update emails from RXNT with time estimates or notifications of milestones. 

Step 7: Project Complete

Upon successfully completing your project, you will receive an email notification from RXNT notifying your interface is live and linking to RXNT’s training materials. 

Email RXNT at if you need to schedule a training session for this feature. 

Medication Management

RXNT allows providers all the customization they need to prescribe to their patients.  Free Text Medication Add Medication Click Utilities.


Click Medication Management


Click Add Medication.


Once completed, click Add.


Delete Medication

Click on the correct medication(s) you wish to delete. Once selected, click Delete Selected


Patient Forms

Only Practice Administrators can create patient forms. Contact your current Practice Administrator to have your account updated with this permission.

Create a New Consent Form

Click Utilities.


Click Patient Forms under the Clinical Admin Tools.


Click + Forms to create a new consent form.


Enter a title and details for the consent form.


Click Save to complete the form, or click Cancel to abort the form and return to the previous page.


Edit Consent Form

Click Utilities.


Click Patient Forms under the Clinical Admin Tools.


Click on the edit icon to open the details view.


Make changes to the consent form as needed. Click Update to save the changes. Click Cancel to discard the changes.


Click on the trash can icon to delete an intake form.


Click Yes to confirm deleting the form. Click No to cancel deleting the form.



Send Consent Forms from Electronic Health Records

Search for a patient and navigate to the Patient Dashboard.


Click on the patient's name to open the patient's profile.


Click Patient Forms.


Select the checkbox for the consent forms you want to send to the patient.


Click Send.


 Patients must be provided access to the Patient Health Records (PHR) portal in order to view and sign consent forms sent from the EHR.

Patients will be notified via email that there are items in the patient portal that require their attention. Patients must log into the PHR to sign consent forms. All completed patient forms are saved to the Patient Documents section of the Patient Dashboard under Electronic Patient Forms.

Send Consent Forms from Scheduler

When scheduling a patient appointment, click Patient Forms.


Select the consent form(s) you wish to send.


Click Save.


Short Keys

Configure Short Keys

Short Keys are a time-saving shortcut feature that can be configured for our Electronic Health Records (EHR) software, allowing easy additions of common text blocks to your encounter templates. Short Keys can be configured by a Clinical Admin and used by any provider or staff member in any RXNT Smart Form.

Create short keys

Click Utilities.


Within the Clinical Admin Tools dropdown, select Short Keys. Note: You will only have access to the Clinical Admin Tools dropdown if you are set up as a Clinical Administrator for your practice. If you should have this access, but cannot see Clinical Admin Tools, have your Practice Administrator contact us to add this access to your RXNT account.


Click Add Short Key to create a new key.


Enter the desired Key, Name, and Text for the new Short Key.

Use the Tab key to navigate between entry fields and use the Enter key to save a new short key.


  • Key is the keyboard character you’ll type before the Name so that our system knows you are pulling in Short Key text. The following characters are accepted in the Key column:  ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + { } [ ] | / \ ; : ' " < > , .
  • Name is the word or phrase you will type to populate the short key after the keyboard character. This cannot contain any spaces, however, you may use an underscore instead of a space if needed.
  • Text is the text block that will populate in the encounter from the Short Key.

If you have multiple providers that prefer individual Short Keys as well as shared Short Keys, give each provider their own key and use a separate key for shared Short Keys. For example, use @ for shared Short Keys, # for Dr. Jones' Short Keys, and $ for Dr. Smith's Short Keys.

Use the Advanced link to open additional text editing features.


Within the Advanced settings, use the Text Formatting Bar to add additional fonts and control text size, links, lists, and other features.


On the right, use Place Holders to add linked fields, which will automatically trigger updated information from the patient and/or provider that an encounter is being created under.


Click the Save icon to add the short key to your list.


Edit and remove short keys

From the Short Keys configuration screen, use the Trash Can icon to delete a Short Key.


Use the Edit icon to make changes to the key character, name, or text of a given Short Key.


Click the Save icon to update.


Click the Advanced link to make text, formatting, and place holder updates to the Short Key.


Click Save to update.


Use short keys

In any Smart Form encounter, Short Keys can be used to populate text into a large textbox, which will always have the formatting bar above the entry area.

Click into the desired large textbox. 


Type the key character, followed by the associated name. As you type, a small menu of matching Short Key options will display to the lower right of the pointer.


Select the Short Key from the menu, or type the full key and name, then press Tab on the keyboard. The Short Key text will appear in the textbox.


Continue the encounter and Save and Sign as normal.

Message and Task Settings

Available Wednesday, March 27th, 2024!

Create groups for messaging and tasking with specific group names and descriptions. Add as many users as needed. 

Only Clinical Administrators can create message and task groups. Contact your current Clinical Administrator to have your account updated with this permission.

Creating a group

Click Utilities, then expand Other User Tools.

Click Message and Task Settings.

Click + Create Group.

Enter the Group Name.

Add Group Members by typing their name or selecting them from the directory dropdown menu.

Enter a Description and click Create.

A green message will display indicating the group was created.

Manage groups

Click the three vertical dots to either Edit or Delete a group.


Within the Edit Group window, make necessary changes to the group name, members or description and click Edit to complete.Click Cancel to close without making any changes.

A green message will display indicating the group was edited.


Within the Delete Group window, click Delete. Click Cancel to close without deleting the group. 

A green message will display indicating the group was edited.

Still, need help? Contact us!

Have a great idea? Tell us about it!

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