Company Billing Preferences

Setting up company preferences ensures consistency, accuracy, and professionalism in claims and invoices. It streamlines processes, enhances compliance, and improves reporting. Establishing these settings will help your business streamline processes, enhance compliance, and improve reporting.

Access company preference 

Begin by navigating to the Utilities

Select Preferences, then click Company Preferences

In the Company Preferences screen, approximately 18 distinct types of preferences can be configured as default settings.

Company Preferences 

Scheduling Provider on Encounter

By default, scheduling providers will never show up on a claim. However, you can use this feature for reporting purposes. If you need to associate a provider with a visit for reporting and visibility purposes, turn this feature on.

Display chart# with account/MRN #

RXNT automatically generates an Account or MRN number when a patient profile is created. If you’d like the Account or MRN number to be listed as the patient chart number, select yes. 

Display expected rate as allowed amount

The expected rate is also known as a contractual rate. Do you want the expected rate to be the allowed amount? If so, select yes to display the expected rate as the allowed amount within the insurance payment screen. 

Display rendering provider in UB04 claims 

Do you want to display your rendering providers on UB04 claims? If so, select yes to display the rendering providers on UB04 claims. 

No response claim range 

This setting controls when you’ll be notified if you sent a claim the payer hasn’t responded to. As an example, if you set the default as 30 days, your claims would be flagged as no-response after 30 days without a response. 

Enable line item tags 

Line item tags offer the flexibility to customize and assign statuses to specific line items within an encounter, allowing you to create and manage your own unique statuses. To enable the feature, select yes.

Click Utilities.


Click Practice Setup and Line Item Tags.

Click +New Line Item Tag.

Create a Tag Code, assign it a Name, and optionally provide a Description.

Click Save.

After creating and saving the Line Item Tag, navigate to the encounter screen and choose it from the Line Item Status column dropdown on the line item.

Enable sliding fee 

To automatically calculate patient discounts based on patient salary ranges, select Yes. Click here to learn how to set up a sliding fee schedule

Automatically write-off bad debt sent to collections 

Select Yes if you’d like the system to automatically write off bad debt when sending statements to the collections agency. Please note: RXNT does not send patients to collections agencies. Click here to learn more about bad debt statements.

Enable encounter parking 

If you ever need to set claims or encounters aside, you can return to them later by enabling encounter parking. For example, your practice may hold encounter charges for a few days to collect additional information. Or, you may send bills a week or two after receiving the charges, just to ensure that everything is correct. Click here to learn more about parking encounters

Allow batch claim submission for encounter module 

Select yes to allow batch claim submission from the encounter module. If your charges will be created via an interface, charge capture application, superbill, or a clinical encounter within RXNT's Electronic Health Record, you should consider enabling this preference. Because these encounters are created elsewhere, information including the patient demographics, insurance, place of service, rendering provider, procedure, and diagnosis codes will all transfer into the encounter automatically. If this setting is enabled, you will be able to send all of your claims in bulk. Click here to learn more about Billing Encounters

Default self-pay fee schedule 

This setting has two parts, but the self-pay fee schedule must be set up first. Once that has been completed, the self-pay fee schedule will be available in Company Preferences as the default. Once you choose the self-pay fee schedule from the dropdown menu, any new encounters created or imported that are linked with that specific self-pay fee scheduler within the patient case will automatically get populated with the selected fee schedule. Click here to learn more about Fee Schedules

Enable denial management  

Enable denial management to create denial grouping for reporting, send appeal letters, and give denied claims different statuses so you can track where they are in the denial process. Click here to learn more about Denial Management Setup and click here to learn more about Denial Management Workflow

Always send statements via 

This sets a default for sending statements. If you want to send all statements via a specific source like printing service, text, or email, select an option from the dropdown to make this process easier in the future. All three options incur additional fees. If you have questions about these statement add-ons and their fees, contact your sales representative and they would be happy to discuss the details with you. Click here to learn more about sending statements

Anesthesia unit round up 

Enabling this option will round up the anesthesia units within the encounter and claims. Click here to learn more about the anesthesia unit round-up

Turn on auto-posting for patient payments 

When auto-posting is enabled for patients, the system will automatically post the payment. It will create a patient fund and you can apply that fund to the date or service that the patient was seen on or a future date of service. Selecting no will create unposted payments, which can be directly associated with the corresponding encounter when the charge is created later. 

Turn on batch eligibility 

When enabling this option, eligibility will be run for all patients with encounters in the Unbilled tab of the Encounter screen overnight, each night. Click here to learn more about batch eligibility

Display full description on superbills 

Enable this option to display the entire description of CPT and diagnosis codes on the superbill. Click here to learn more about Superbills

Display “Culture Sent” indicator on superbills? 

Enable this option to indicate if cultures were sent on superbills. Click here to learn more about superbills. 

Saving preferences

After selecting your default settings, Click Save

A confirmation message will appear advising you to log off and back in for the preferences to be applied.

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