What is the audit log report?

The audit log report is a feature available to Practice Administrators, allowing them to monitor access to their RXNT database and patient PHI contained in the Electronic Health Record (EHR) and E-prescribing solutions.

Events are logged individually and can be reviewed by date, the action taken, the URL that the user was on, the result (success/failed), the user's name and IP address, and the target patient ID. Note: Success/Failed results are typically only relevant for "OTP generated" which indicates that an EPCS token PIN was generated to send a controlled substance. The time is always displayed in EST.

Access the audit log

Practice administrators can view the audit log report from the RXNT dashboard. Log into RXNT and navigate to the utility menu in the upper right corner.


Select Audit Log.


Filter and sort

Filter the audit log by date using the Quick Pick or date range options. Click Search to generate the report.


The audit log can be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Columns that are able to be sorted are indicated with a   icon. Clicking once will sort the column Z-to-A, clicking a second time will sort the column A-to-Z.


Export the report

The audit log report can be exported as a .csv (Microsoft Excel) file by Click Export to Excel to download the audit log report as a .csv (Microsoft Excel) file.


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