Setting Up RXNT Integration
- Access Admin > General > Practice Preferences > Partner Integrations
- Within the RXNT grid, click Enabled.
When the Confirmation pop-up displays, enter your RXNT Company ID, which should be five digits.
It is very important that the Company ID is entered correctly.
- Click Save.
- Log out and back in to see changes associated with the practice.
The following setup instructions are required for each employee that has been registered and has credentials from RXNT.
- Access Admin > Employee / Roles > Employees > open an employee > External System IDs tab
- Click Enabled within the RXNT Login Information grid to display the username and password fields.
- Enter your username and password.
- Click Save.
- Log out and back in to see the changes associated to the employee.
After receiving an email confirmation from Revolution that your practice has been enabled, you must set up your RXNT username and password in Revolution under External IDs.
Select the Launch RXNT button within the patient’s Medication Prescription screen.You will launch directly into the patient’s profile in RXNT
Begin resetting or Change Your RXNT Password.
After your RXNT password is updated, please log out and close out of the RXNT web page.
You will need to update these credentials within Revolution by following the steps below:
Step 1. Log into RevolutionEHR with your RevolutionEHR login credentials
Step 2. Select "Admin"
Step 3. Select "Employees" and select your name
Step 4. Select "External System ID"
Step 5. Update your username and password for RXNT in the fields
When the steps above are completed, please log out of RevolutionEHR and log back in.
If you were not able to access and launch RXNT into your patient's chart, you may have to contact RevolutionEHR customer support due to integration.
Patient Dashboard
Any new prescription will be recorded in the Current tab as well as in the Previous tab. You can remove current medications a patient is no longer taking and you can manually add medications that the patient reports he/she is taking to the Current tab.
The Previous tab contains a list of all medications prescribed in RXNT for your practice only. The scripts will be listed in chronological order. Scripts in blue are the active medications that the patient is currently taking. Items in white are medications the patient is no longer taking. Prescriptions in gray have been discharged or canceled at the pharmacy. From the Previous tab, you can refill medications that were previously prescribed in RXNT.
PBM / Formulary History
RXNT will perform a real time eligibility check through Surescripts when the patient is selected in RXNT. A HIPAA Patient Consent Agreement will be presented on behalf of the patient. Once accepted, the patient’s demographics are used to check the master patient index with Surescripts to identify their PBM / Formulary information.
If there is a match, the patient’s pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) and formulary will be displayed. You will have the ability to review the history for up to the previous year. History can be utilized to manage the Current tab, as well as to generate refills for medications originated by other physicians. You can toggle between Claims History and Fill Data. Claims History is sourced from the PBM and the Fill Data pulls information from pharmacies.
Voided prescriptions
All voided prescriptions for this patient will be listed within the Voided tab.
To associate a diagnosis to a prescription, it must be first added to the patient dashboard. Click the Problems tab, then click the blue + sign to add a diagnosis. Search for the diagnosis by ICD-10 or by the descriptor of the ICD-10 code.
You may document allergies or document No Known Drug Allergies in the Allergy tab. When a new prescription is generated in RXNT, the system will perform a real-time drug allergy interaction check based upon your entries.
Click the Notes tab to add a note into the patient's chart. These are internal notes that will not be released to the pharmacy.
To view a patient's PMP/PDMP report, first you must enable an integration within RXNT. Once your integration is complete, all paid provider accounts with an appropriate role will be able to view the PMP/PDMP scores and reports from the Patient Dashboard.
To see the detailed PMP/PDMP report, click Report.
Writing a Prescription
Selecting a medication
Type in the name or the first few letters of the name of the medication in the Write Rx field in the Current tab. You can also search by class. After searching for the drug, the system will list all medications and strengths that match the search criteria.
If the PBM is available for the patient, the formulary information will be displayed to the left of the medication. Click here to learn more about the formulary key.
Another option is to click Favorites, which will bring you to a personally customized list of medications. From there, you can simply click on your drug of choice. Click here to learn how to favorite medications!
Once a selection has been made, the system will perform a real time drug-drug interaction check. Interactions will be indicated if applicable. If an interaction is found and a new medication must be selected, use the Alternatives section to select an alternative medication. When needed, the Reference tab will provide further information on the selected medication.
To generate the script select a custom sig, a recommended sig, or click Create New Sig. Recommended Sigs. The Sig Builder can also be used to assist in creating the sig. Once a sig is selected, users will be brought to the prescription edit screen.
Prescription Edit Screen
The prescription edit screen allows the user to do the following:
- Confirm the patient name
- Confirm the medication
- Confirm the medication strength
If any of the information is incorrect, select Delete Selected and begin again.
If everything is correct, then complete the mandatory fields:
- Dosage
- Quantity
- Quantity Units
All other fields are optional.
Once the script details have been entered, either select Add Drug to do another prescription for the same patient or select Continue to go to the pharmacy search.
Pharmacy Search
Search for a pharmacy using any of the search fields listed. Click on the name of the pharmacy to select it.
To add a pharmacy to your favorites, select the box to the right of the pharmacy name and click Add to My Favorite. The system will automatically remember where the script has been sent for the patient and this will be saved under the Patient Favorite Pharmacies tab.
If the patient will take the original to the pharmacy, select No Pharmacy. No pharmacy will be printed on the script.
If sending a controlled substance electronically the pharmacy must have the letters EPCS listed on the far right of the specific pharmacy’s information.
Prescription Preview
Real-Time Prescription Benefits
RTPB information will be displayed to the right of each medication on the prescription preview screen. Click on the Real-Time Prescription Benefit section to expand it and view the details.
The selected medication will be displayed first. The information displayed may include pricing for retail and mail-order pharmacies; 30, 60, and 90 days supply; as well as pricing for alternative medications. Alternative medications will be displayed below the medication prescribed.
The red icon next to the price indicates a coverage alert. This may include an age limit, quantity limit, prior authorization, and more. Hover your mouse over the icon to see the details for coverage.
Prior to sending the prescription to the pharmacy or printed the prescription a final check can be done. Confirm no changes need to be made. The following can still be revised by selecting Edit:
- Pharmacy
- Patient demographics
- Prescription details
At this point the following cannot be revised:
- Patient
- Medication
- Strength
If any are incorrect, select Cancel and begin the prescription writing process over. To print an original prescription select from the Print Options.
Select Send when the prescription is complete. If you are preparing the prescription for a provider, select Save As Pending.
If the medication is a controlled substance, users will be asked to verify their identity using their Authenticator App (push notification).
Provider Dashboard
The Provider Dashboard will provide the status of all recent prescriptions.
Recent will show the status of the recently sent prescriptions. A confirmation message will be displayed in green when the prescription has been received successfully. Yellow will indicate that it is in the process of being transmitted and red indicates that the prescription did not go through. Additional information will be given if the prescription is highlighted in red.
Pending shows prescriptions that are waiting to be approved and sent. They can be approved or voided under this tab.
Pharmacy Requests
When you receive a pharmacy request in RXNT, a task will be sent to RevolutionEHR. When you click on the task, it will direct you to the Pharmacy Requests tab in RXNT.
Click here for more information on Pharmacy Requests!
Click here for more information on Rx Tasks!
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