Access the section

Tap More in the bottom navigation bar.


If you don't see the navigation bar, tap X in the upper left to close the page you're on.


Tap Results.

myrxnt labs.png

Search and sort lab results

Tap Sort by to change how the results list is ordered

myrxnt sort by.png

Tap the option you'd like to sort by, or tap Cancel to return to the list

Sorts the lab result list by their date. Newer lab results are at the top of the list.
Sorts the lab results alphabetically by the name of the test that was ordered.
Sorts the lab results by the last name of the provider who ordered them.


Tap the magnifying glass to search for results.

myrxnt search.png

View details

Tap on a lab result to view the details.

myrxnt select.png

Tap X in the upper left to close the details view.

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