Recover Username
Tap Forgot username at the bottom of the login page.
Enter your email, last name, and date of birth to confirm your identity. Then tap Submit.
You must use the same email address that your provider has on file in order to successfully confirm your identity. If you aren't redirected to the login page, or if you aren't sure what email is on file for you, reach out to your provider's office.
You'll automatically be taken back to the login page and your username will be filled in for you.
Reset a forgotten password
Tap Forgot password at the bottom of the MyRXNT login page.
Enter your username and the email associated with your account, then tap Submit.
You must use the same email address that your provider has on file in order to successfully reset your password. If you receive a message that your identity can't be confirmed, or if you aren't sure what email is on file for you, reach out to your provider's office.
You'll receive an email with a link to reset your password. Click on the link in the email to launch the reset password page.
Make sure to check your Spam or Junk folder if you don't receive the email within five minutes.
Create your new password and click Save.
Reset a relation's password
Tap on More in the bottom navigation bar.
If you don't see the navigation bar, tap X in the upper left to close the page you're on.
Tap Relations.
Tap the three dots in the upper right of the user, then tap Edit.
Scroll to the Personal Information section and tap Change Password.
Enter and confirm a new password, then tap Save at the bottom of the page.