Generate a new referral
From the patient dashboard navigation menu, click Referrals, then click +Add.
Choose referral provider
There are two ways to indicate who you are sending the referral to:
- Use the address book to locate a previously saved provider/institution
- Enter a new referral provider/institution at the time of creating the referral
Choose the Referral Destination (Institution or Provider).
Click into the search field and the saved results will populate below for selection.
Choose the Referral Destination (Institution or Provider).
Complete referral details
Enter referral information and click Preview.
Click Save & Send to have the form faxed to the number entered above. Click Save & Print to print out the PDF. For both options, the referral will be saved on the patient dashboard.
Maryland and Michigan referring providers
If you are located in Maryland or Michigan, your referral forms will look slightly different.
View referrals
From the patient dashboard navigation menu, click Referrals.
Existing referrals will display below. Click the page icon to view the existing referral.
Add favorite referral providers/institutions to your address book
Create an address book of favorite referral providers and/or institutions. Navigate to the utility menu, expand Medication Management, then click Manage Favorites.
Here, expand Referral Favorites.
Use the dropdown menu to select the provider you wish to manage referral favorites for.
Use the Providers and Institutions tabs to easily manage your favorite referrals for each type.
Click Add in either the Providers tab or the Institutions tab, based on what you want to add.
Complete these fields, then click Insert.
The new referral favorite will now be available in the address book of the user selected in the dropdown menu.
Review the list of existing referral favorites and Edit or Delete if necessary.
Alternatively, search specific referral favorites by using the First and Last Name fields.
Still, need help? Contact us!
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