RXNT allows providers all the customization they need to prescribe to their patients.
This function is available to users with the Clinical Admin tool. Please contact your current Clinical Administrator to be granted this permission. Click here to learn more about Clinical Admin tools.
Medication management
Click Utilities.
Expand Clinical Admin Tools.
Select Medication Management from the Clinical Admin Tools.
The Free Text Medications window will open onto the Medications tab, where all free text medications added by users will be displayed.
There is another Medication Management option in the Utilities which is not the correct route for free text medications.
Add free text medication
Click Add Medication.
Enter the Drug Name.
Select the Preferred Name checkbox.
Select from Compound or Supplies within the Drug Category dropdown menu.
Select the Level from the Drug Schedule dropdown menu.
Click Add.
A confirmation window will appear. Click Yes to save the free text drug or No to return without saving.
The medication will now appear under the Medications tab within the Free Text Medications window.
Create compound medication
The Free Text Medications feature is often helpful when a compound medication needs to be prescribed. You are able to add each ingredient to make up the compound. Examples of compound medications can be gels, suppositories or medication kits.
Click Add Medication.
Enter the Drug Name.
Select Compound from the Drug Category dropdown menu.
Do not click the Preferred Name checkbox.
Click Add.
The drug information fields will populate below. Enter the Compound Ingredient. Once you begin typing, relevant drugs will appear in a dropdown. Locate and select the correct ingredient.
Once the ingredient is entered, the Drug Level (drug schedule) will automatically populate and is unable to be edited.
Enter the Strength Value, i.e. 500 (optional) and select the Strength Unit, i.e. milligrams, from the dropdown menu.
Select the Strength Form, i.e. solution, from the dropdown menu.
Lastly, enter the Quantity and select the Quantity Unit, i.e. syringe, from the dropdown menu.
Review the information entered and if correct, click Add.
To reset all fields, click Clear.
Repeat the same steps to add all ingredients of the compound. Once all ingredients are added, they will display below.
When complete, click Close to return to the Medications window.
The medication will now appear under the Medications tab within the Free Text Medications window.
Edit ingredient
To edit an ingredient, click Edit. The ingredient details will fill into the fields above. Make the necessary changes and click Update.
Delete ingredient
Click Delete to remove an ingredient.
A confirmation window will appear. Click Ok to confirm deletion or cancel to close without deleting the ingredient.
Add sig
Coming soon!
Delete medication
Select the checkbox preceding the medication(s) you wish to delete. Then, click Delete Selected.
Prescribe a free text medication
Medications added within Medication Management as free text medications are stored as Favorites.
Navigate to Medications within the patient’s chart.
Enter the medication name within the Write Rx field.
Ensure you select the Favorites radio button, then click Search.
The medication will populate within the Search Results. Click the medication name.
Click here for more information on the rest of the prescription process.
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