Manage diagnoses
A patient's diagnoses, referred to as 'problems' in RXNT, can be managed within the patient dashboard. Add, remove or edit a patient's problem list.
Navigate to the patient's dashboard and click Problems on the left side navigation menu.
Add diagnosis
Click + to add a diagnosis.
In the pop-up, you can search for a diagnosis or ICD-10 code. Enter the information into the search bar and tap your 'enter' key, or click the green arrow to load search results.
Review the results below and click the yellow + to add the problem.
Have a more specific problem to add?
Click the yellow > to expand a general diagnosis.
Search all applicable problems related to your entry. Click the yellow + to add to the patient's problem list.
Select options at the top to narrow down your results.
The problem you added will now be listed at the end of the patient's problem list. To complete, be sure to click the blue Save button.
Manage diagnoses
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