Manage Patient Diagnoses

Manage diagnoses

A patient's diagnoses, referred to as 'problems' in RXNT, can be managed within the patient dashboard. Add, remove or edit a patient's problem list.

Navigate to the patient's dashboard and click Problems on the left side navigation menu. 

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Add diagnosis

Click + to add a diagnosis. 

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In the pop-up, you can search for a diagnosis or ICD-10 code. Enter the information into the search bar and tap your 'enter' key, or click the green arrow to load search results.

Review the results below and click the yellow + to add the problem. 

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Have a more specific problem to add?

Click the yellow > to expand a general diagnosis. 

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Search all applicable problems related to your entry. Click the yellow + to add to the patient's problem list.

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Select options at the top to narrow down your results.

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The problem you added will now be listed at the end of the patient's problem list. To complete, be sure to click the blue Save button. 

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Manage diagnoses

Edit Delete

Coming soon!

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