What is an encounter macro?
Encounter macros can be thought of as "sub-templates" for your RXNT Smart Forms. Macros allow your providers and staff to set up pre-filled text and selections in your encounters that are specific to certain patient visits or scenarios. For example, many providers use a single Smart Form for patient visits, but fill it out differently depending on the chief complaint of the patient.
Combine encounter macros with Short Keys for even more efficient patient visits!
Create an encounter macro
From the utility menu
Click Utilities. Expand Other User Tools, then click Manage Macros.
Choose the appropriate Smart Form from the My Encounter Forms dropdown menu.
Click Add Template.
Complete the encounter macro as desired.
Name the macro and click Save & Preview.
From a patient encounter
Navigate to your intended patient's dashboard and click Encounters or (E) from the navigation menu.
Click Add Encounter.
Select the desired Smart Form from the dropdown menu.
Click Go.
Enter all information in the encounter that should be included in the macro. Macros will save all text, checkbox, and dropdown selections. Encounter macros will not save any plugin information, with the exception of CPT codes.
Click Preview once the encounter macro has been completed.
Enter a macro name in the textbox above the PDF preview, then click Save Macro.
Edit an existing encounter macro
Click Utilities. Expand Other User Tools, then click Manage Macros.
Choose the appropriate Smart Form from My Encounter Forms dropdown menu.
Click on the Title of the macro to edit.
Make changes to the macro as desired.
Click Save & Preview.
Remove an encounter macro
Click Utilities. Expand Other User Tools, then click Manage Macros.
Choose the appropriate Smart Form from My Encounter Forms dropdown menu.
Click the checkbox to the left of the macros to remove and click Remove Selected.
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