Access scheduler resource setup

In the Scheduler product, resources are people and/or rooms that an appointment is assigned to. Providers, nursing staff, and lab technicians are person resources. Exam rooms, lab or x-ray rooms, and telehealth "virtual" rooms are material resources. Specialized equipment may also be assigned as material resources, such as MRI machines or CT scanners.

Click Utilities.

Click Company Setup, then click Person Resources

Click + New Person Resource.

Choose the Resource Type from the dropdown:  Provider/Doctor, Nursing Staff, or Technician.

From the Person dropdown menu, select the individual associated with this resource. The selected individual must be either a provider or staff user on your RXNT account; however, they don't need to have access to RXNT in order to be configured as a person resource. Upon selecting the individual from the dropdown menu, their full name will also be displayed in the Full Name field. 

For a distinct name on the Appointment and Availability Calendar, other than the selected person's name, specify the preferred name in the Full Name and Short Name fields. 

If your practice uses Patient Reminders, be sure to check the Enable Reminders box to ensure that reminders are sent for appointments with this person resource.

If your practice is verifying patient eligibility, be sure to complete all the eligibility fields for the person resource.

Select the colors for the resource, which will appear on the calendar when the Resource color scheme is applied. "BG" represents the Background Color, the primary color used for the appointment, while "FG" denotes the Foreground Color, which is the text color for the appointment. Each status will have a preview of the selected colors.

Tip: Avoid using light grays and pale colors that might blend in with the appointment calendar background and make text difficult to read.

Set up the locations for this resource by selecting the checkboxes next to each location where the resource should be available.

Click Save.

Remove person resources

Click Company Setup, then click Person Resources.

Click on the name of the person resource you want to remove.

Click Delete.

Arrange person resources

Click Company Setup, then click Person Resources.

To alter the order of resources, utilize the arrows on the left of each resource name. The arrangement you choose will dictate how resources are displayed on the appointment calendar, the availability calendar, and within the dropdown menu when scheduling an appointment.

Click Save Sequence to apply the new order.

Add material resources

Click Company Setup, then click Material Resources.

Click + New Material Resource

Select the Master Material Resource Type from the dropdown menu: Examination Room, Lab, X-Ray, Office, or Virtual Room. While most types are interchangeable and used primarily for descriptive purposes, the Virtual Room has additional details specific to telehealth appointments.

Enter a Name for the material resource.

If the material resource is a Virtual Room, include the Meeting URL for the virtual appointment room.

Select the colors for the resource, which will appear on the calendar when the Resource color scheme is applied. "BG" represents the Background Color, the primary color used for the appointment, while "FG" denotes the Foreground Color, which is the text color for the appointment. Each status will have a preview of the selected colors.

Tip: Avoid using light grays and pale colors that might blend in with the appointment calendar background and make text difficult to read.

Set up the locations for this resource by selecting the checkboxes next to each location where the resource should be available.

Click Save.

Remove material resources

Click Company Setup, then click Material Resources.

Click on the material resource's name.

Click Delete.

Arrange material resources

Click Company Setup, then click Material Resources.

To alter the order of resources, utilize the arrows on the left of each resource name. The arrangement you choose will dictate how resources are displayed on the appointment calendar, the availability calendar, and within the dropdown menu when scheduling an appointment.

Click Save Sequence to apply the new order.


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