Manage smart forms

Search for a patient and launch the Patient Dashboard.


Click Encounters or (E) on the left side navigation menu.


The unique Form ID for the Smart Form will display in the patient's encounter list.


Click Add Encounter.


Click Manage Forms.


Add a form

Choose from Custom, Suggested, or All.

 Custom will only be available as an option if you have custom Smart Forms tagged for your practice.


Browse by scrolling, or search by specialty, form name, or keyword using the Search box within the All tab.


The unique Form ID for the Smart Form will display in the library.


See a brief description of the form by hovering over the row.


Preview Smart Forms using the Preview icon to the right of the form name.


Review the form below. Use the Progress Note and Coding buttons to view each respective component of the form. For a preview of the final PDf version of the Smart Form, click Preview.Screenshot 2024-11-01 115903.png

The PDF version will display. Click the X to return to the form library.

Screenshot 2024-11-01 115923.png

Select the checkbox to the left of one or more forms and then click Add Selected Forms to add a form to your Favorites.


The Favorites tab of the Manage Forms window shows the Smart Forms you have chosen as favorite.


Remove a form

To remove a form from your favorites, click the x to the right of the form name.


Change sort order

To change the sort order of the forms, select the checkbox for Manually Order Forms. This will rearrange the order that the forms are listed when selecting a form to create a new encounter. The default sort order is alphabetical.


Use the arrows to the left of the form description and specialty to rearrange the order that the forms are listed. Click Save to update the order.


Get custom Smart Forms

Why get a custom Smart Form?

RXNT offers a wide variety of pre-made forms in the EHR, but we also offer custom-made Smart Forms allowing your practice to seamlessly transition from paper to electronic records, or from another product.

What options are available?

Our Smart Form encounters are versatile and allow you to incorporate checkboxes, textboxes, radio buttons, and dropdown lists. We can also incorporate any of our standard plugins, which communicate with the Patient Dashboard and Patient Health Records (PHR) portal, letting you work "smarter, not harder" and eliminating the need to re-enter patient information for every encounter.

The following encounter plugins are available:

  • Vitals
  • Medical History
  • Surgery History
  • Hospitalization History
  • Implantable Device History
  • Allergy History
  • Medication History
  • Family History
  • Social History
  • Current Medications
  • Allergies
  • Immunization
  • Diagnosis (also links to the Billing product!)
  • Coding (also links to the Billing product!)

To see what these elements look like, preview the Template Consultation Sample - Smart Form in the EHR.

In addition to encounter plugins, the following components can be included on your custom Smart Form.


The royal blue bar at the top of each section.


The dark blue bar below the header of each section.

Subsection header

A white subsection can be added within a subheader.

Coding tab

The coding tab contains the diagnosis and procedure plugins as well as the place of service and is used to enter the codes needed to bill for the visit. The diagnosis and procedure plugins should always be included when using the Billing product.

Preview tab

The preview tab allows you to preview the PDF at any time while working in the Smart form.

Custom tab

An encounter can have a maximum of 4 tabs, including the coding and preview tabs. The other 2 tabs can be customized by you!

Text box

A text box has a 5,000-character limit and scrolls sideways as it is filled in. If you intends to write more than 2-3 sentences or need any text editing features, a text area is recommended instead.

Text area

Text areas do not have a character limit and expand when filled in. It also supports text editing features such as font size and type, as well as numbered lists and bullet points.

Text editing features are limited to the Rich Text Editor (RTE) elements.


This area allows you to have images in the encounter, either for reference or to be marked for use. It supports either selection or drawing tools and allows for comments on selections.


Allows multi-select.

Radio buttons

When copying an encounter, radio button selections cannot be changed. Click here to read more about copying encounters.


Only single-select drop-downs are available in custom Smart Forms, not multi-select. Instead, use checkboxes.


Smart Forms support 2 columns.


Multi-signatures will require 2 signatures on the encounter. For example, if a provider needs a supervising signature, the multi-signature option can be used. Keep in mind that when multi-signatures are built into a Smart From, it will always require 2 signatures.

Get started

For each custom Smart Form that you would like created, email a Word or PDF document outlining the template to Please include any text boxes, checkboxes, dropdown menus, etc. that you would like in the template.

Once our Smart Form team receives your documents, they will review the request and schedule a screen share consultation if additional clarification is needed.

 If you have any questions about the custom Smart Form process, reach out to our team at

Still need help? Contact us!

Have a great idea? Tell us about it!

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