Add and Search Patients using all RXNT Solutions

An email column has been added to the patient search screen in the Scheduler and Billing Applications. This column displays the email ID for all the patients listed in the patient search. 

Patient Search   

Electronic Health Records Scheduling Billing

Use the last name and/or first name fields to enter the patient's first name and/or last name. Click the magnifying glass icon or use the enter key on your keyboard to search. Note: partial searches will still provide results.

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If no patients match your search, the window will display Now Rows To Show. Repeat your search using different criteria, or using additional search fields (such as an address, phone number, or chart number).

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If more than one patient record matches your search, you will see a list of matching records. Click the appropriate patient name to view the patient.

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If only one patient record matches your search, the patient record will automatically launch.

Add a new patient

Scheduler Billing Electronic Health Records

If your RXNT subscription includes the Scheduler solution, new patients should be added to that solution. This ensures correct syncing of patients across all RXNT products and allows you to enter all relevant patient demographics, including insurance information and patient reminder preferences.

Click Add Patient in the upper right.

Enter the patient's demographic information. Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk (note that one phone number is required, determined by the selected preferred contact method). 

If your subscription includes Patient Reminders, you will need to choose the reminder communication preferences for the patient. Options are selected by clicking the checkbox next to the desired options, or choosing Opt Out.

Click Save to add the patient, or Save & Add Case to add the patient and proceed to adding insurance information for the patient.

If your subscription includes EHR, you can select the Activate PHR checkbox to provide the patient with access to the Patient Health Records (PHR) portal. Activating the PHR requires the patient's email address.

The Quick Add feature can be used if the patient is needed immediately to schedule an appointment, but additional demographic information is unknown. Keep in mind that using Quick Add may cause billing claim rejections, failed eligibility checks, or failed prescription transmissions if the information is not updated.

Click the Plus button. 

A drop-down menu will appear with the required information to quickly add a patient. Information required includes First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth

To Activate PHR, click the Checkbox.  

Select either Email or SMS and based on your choice, enter the corresponding email address or phone number. 

Click Add

Please refer to Add and Update Patient Insurance for more information on adding patient cases.

Update patient information

Scheduler Billing Electronic Health Records

If your RXNT subscription includes the Scheduler solution, patients should be updated in that solution. This ensures correct syncing of patients across all RXNT products and allows you to enter all relevant patient demographics, including insurance information and patient reminder preferences.

Search for the patient to update and navigate to the patient dashboard. Click the patient's name to edit the demographics.

Update the demographics as needed. We accept all (3) phone number formats, Ex. 410-320-0865; 4103200865; 410 320 0865, and when sending SMS patient reminders, we trim for only numbers and send them. If your RXNT subscription includes EHR, you can use the Send Portal Registration link to set the patient up with PHR access. If access has been previously provided, that information will display next to the link.


Click Save or Save & Add Case to update the patient.


Please refer to Add and Update Patient Insurance for more information on adding patient cases.

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