Configure Short Keys

Short Keys are a time-saving shortcut feature that can be configured for our Electronic Health Records (EHR) software, allowing easy additions of common text blocks to your Smart Forms. Short Keys can be configured by a Clinical Admin and used by any provider or staff member in any RXNT Smart Form.

Create short keys

Click Utilities.

utilities ehr.png

Within the Clinical Admin Tools dropdown, select Short Keys.

You will only have access to the Clinical Admin Tools dropdown if you are set up as a Clinical Administrator for your practice. If you should have this access, but cannot see Clinical Admin Tools, have your Practice Administrator contact us to add this access to your RXNT account.

short keys.png

Click Add Short Key to create a new key.


Enter the desired Key, Name, and Text for the new Short Key.

Use the Tab key to navigate between entry fields and use the Enter key to save a new short key.


  • Key is the keyboard character you’ll type before the Name so that our system knows you are pulling in Short Key text. The following characters are accepted in the Key column:  ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + { } [ ] | / \ ; : ' " < > , .
  • Name is the word or phrase you will type to populate the short key after the keyboard character. This cannot contain any spaces, however, you may use an underscore instead of a space if needed.
  • Text is the text block that will populate in the encounter from the Short Key.

If you have multiple providers that prefer individual Short Keys as well as shared Short Keys, give each provider their own key and use a separate key for shared Short Keys. For example, use @ for shared Short Keys, # for Dr. Jones' Short Keys, and $ for Dr. Smith's Short Keys.

Use the Advanced link to open additional text editing features.


Within the Advanced settings, use the Text Formatting Bar to add additional fonts and control text size, links, lists, and other features.


On the right, use Place Holders to add linked fields, which will automatically trigger updated information from the patient and/or provider that an encounter is being created under.


Click the Save icon to add the short key to your list.


Edit and remove short keys

From the Short Keys configuration screen, use the garbage can icon to delete a Short Key.


Use the Edit icon to make changes to the key character, name, or text of a given Short Key.


Click the Save icon to update.


Click the Advanced link to make text, formatting, and place holder updates to the Short Key.


Click Save to update.


Use short keys

In any Smart Form encounter, Short Keys can be used to populate text into a large textbox, which will always have the formatting bar above the entry area.

Click into the desired textbox. 


Type the key character, followed by the associated name. As you type, a small menu of matching Short Key options will display to the lower right of the pointer.


Select the Short Key from the menu, or type the full key and name, then press Tab on the keyboard. The Short Key text will appear in the textbox.


Continue the encounter and Save and Sign as normal.

Still, need help? Contact us!

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