If you require additional details for a particular procedure code, you have the ability to add a question to the procedure code. This will require your staff to answer the question each time the code is used on an EHR encounter.
In the EHR, navigate to the utility menu and select CPT Code Questions under Clinical Admin Tools.
You must have the Clinical Administrator role to access this utility.
Existing procedure code questions will be displayed below.
Add a procedure code question
To add a new question, type the procedure code or description into the search field in the upper right corner. Then select the desired procedure code.
The selected procedure code will be displayed on the list. Click the icon to expand the code and then type the question into the field to save it.
The procedure code will be displayed along with the question.
Edit a procedure code question
To edit a procedure code question, find the procedure code on the list and click the pencil icon to the right.
Type the new question into the field to save it.
Remove a procedure code question
To remove a procedure code question, find the procedure code on the list and click the trash can to the right.
Procedure code questions on encounters
Once your procedure code questions have been set up, you will be prompted to answer the question any time the procedure code is added to an encounter. Type the answer to the question and click OK.
The question and answer will be displayed on the encounter.
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