Manage custom sigs
Click Utilities.
Click Custom Sigs Management from within Medication Management.
Create new sig
Click the Add Sig tab.
Type the medication into the Drug Name field, then click Search.
Select the medication from the list.
Use either the Free Text or Sig Builder option to create a new sig.
To use Free Text, ensure the correct radio button is selected. Complete the applicable details needed for this sig, then click Add Sig.
To use Sig Builder, ensure the correct radio button is selected. Complete the applicable details needed for this sig, then click Add Sig.
Edit a custom sig
Click the Custom Sigs tab.
Click on the existing sig that you wish to edit.
Make any desired changes and click Update Sig.
Create a custom sig while writing a prescription
Click Medications from the patient dashboard navigation menu.
Within the Write Rx field, type the drug name and click Search.
Select the medication from the list.
On this screen, you can view existing custom sigs. Click Sig Builder to create the new sig.
Complete the sig details below. When complete, click Next.
Select the Save Sig checkbox and continue to write the prescription as normal. Now you have added this sig to your custom sigs for future use.
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