Log Into RXNT for the First Time

Providers (paid accounts)

Once you have been set up as a user in RXNT, you will receive an email prompting you to verify your account. Open this email and click Create Password.


Verify your account

A six-digit PIN will be texted to the cell phone number used to create your account.


Enter the code within 10 minutes to validate the account. You can generate a new PIN by clicking Resend on the verification screen. Once you have entered the PIN, click Validate to continue with your account setup.


Create your password

Once verified, you'll be prompted to create your RXNT password. Password requirements are listed on the screen to assist you. Note that the only special characters supported are those listed in parentheses in the requirements (# is not a supported password character). Click Save to create your account password.


After you save your password, you'll automatically be re-routed to the RXNT dashboard.


Staff members (free accounts)

Once you have been set up with an account by a Practice Administrator, they will provide you with your username and temporary password. Follow the login instructions to access RXNT and reset your password.


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