Access and Utilize Patient Ledger

The patient ledger contains the following information, cases, encounters, unposted and posted insurance and patient payments, claims, statements, patient funds, and an overview summary. Users can view and print the report of the patient ledger. 

Accessing Patient Ledger

Click on Reports in the top Navigation Bar of the screen and then click Patient Ledger. The patient ledger allows for a search of a specific patient’s transactions. 

To view a specific patient, enter the patient's details and then click on the Search button.  
You can also access the Patient Ledger directly from the patient's dashboard by clicking on Patient Ledger

The patient ledger gives you a complete overview of the patient's information, including everything from cases and encounters to payments, claims, statements, funds, and a concise summary at the bottom of the screen. 

To minimize the additional details, click on the Chevron icon. 

To access all the patient details at once, click on View Patient Ledger

To print the screen, click the PDF icon. 


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