
The ERX Reports include:

  • Prescription Report
  • Rx Error List Report
  • Scheduled Substance Prescription Report

Click the Reports tab, then All.

Reports and All Outlined.png

ERX Reports display here.

ERX Reports outlined.png

Prescription Report

Click Prescription Report.

Prescription Report Outlined.png

Compliance Report

Use the Compliance Report to generate a list of all prescriptions issued by a prescriber. The reporting period will automatically be determined from the last report generated to the current report run time. We have used a default date for all practices' reports to begin 7/1/2004. Some states have specific requirements as to the frequency of when those reports must be run. Please check with your state for its specific requirements.  

Click Generate Compliance Report. 

Generate Compliance Report outined.png

Custom Report

Use the Custom Report to generate a list of all prescriptions within specific criteria. 

Enter your desired report parameters. The available fields are Date Range, Patient Details, Provider Details and Prescription Details. Complete at least one field. Once complete, click Search

Custom Report.png

After running the report you have the ability to sign, print, save, export, and encrypt it. 

Sign report

Check the box that states "I hereby acknowledge that I have reviewed the information on this page to confirm the accuracy." This serves as your signature on the report. 


Print report

Click Print Report.


Save report

Click Save Report to download an HTML file onto your computer. 


Export report to excel

Click Export to Excel to download a CSV file onto your computer. 


Export and encrypt report

Click Encrypt & Export to download a ZIP file onto your computer. You will need to use the temporary password provided to access the file. This password will be unique to the file.



Rx Error List Report

This report obtains a list of prescriptions that were not transmitted due to errors. 

Rx Error list report outlined.png

Choose a specific date range, or use the Quick Pick dropdown to select a pre-set range. Click Search to see the list of prescription errors.

Generate rx error list Outlined.png

Click Print to print or save a copy of the report. Click Done to return to the report list.

rx error list options outlined.png

Scheduled Substance Prescription Report

Use this report to see a list of all controlled substances prescribed within a given time period. This report can be generated for all prescribers or for a specific prescriber only.

Scheduled report.png

Choose a provider from the dropdown. The default is for the report to generate a list of all providers. Next, choose a specific date range, or use the quick pick dropdown to set the report parameters.Click Search to see the prescription list.

Scheduled report options outlined.png

Click Return to go back to the report list. Click Export to CSV to download the report as a .csv file (excel file). 

Scheduled report ran outlined.png

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