Learn more about common rejections from the Relay Exchange Clearinghouse below, as well as tips on how to easily resolve them within RXNT. 

Helpful information:

  1. For more information on Payer level rejections, click here!
  2. To open a case in Customer Care Hub, click here! For more information on creating a Customer Care Hub login click here.
  3. To research a Clearinghouse level rejection within Connect Center:
    • Login to Connect Center.
    • Select Payer Tools from the main menu.
    • Select Edit Search.
    • Enter the code at the front of the rejection into the Edit Name field - For example, if the rejection you'd like to search is PNM109A5:INVALID SUBSCRIBER MEMBER ID, you should enter PNM109A5 in the Edit Name field.
    • Check the description fields to learn more about the edit.

Note: You can also search by Edit Type (ANSI, Payer, or Both), Claim Type, CPID, and more.

Rejection description

Rejection Rejection Information Next Steps

The other payer adjudication date or service line payer adjudication date is required. Exception: when the corresponding other payer non-covered charge amount is present, this requirement does not apply. Loop 2330B DTP03.

This issue is related to payment posting. Review all payments posted to the encounter to ensure they are posted correctly. You may need to reverse and repost to balance the primary payment. If everything looks correct, submit a ticket to Relay Exchange.


When the service line payer adjudication date and the other payer prior paid amount are present, the sum of the associated service line claim adjustment plus the associated other payer prior paid amount must be equal the total claim charge amount.

This issue is related to payment posting. Review all payments posted to the encounter to ensure they are posted correctly. You may need to reverse and repost to balance the primary payment. If everything looks correct, submit a ticket to Relay Exchange.

When any service line payer adjudication date is present and the associated service line other payer paid amount is present, the sum of the service line adjustments and payments must equal the service line charge amount. 

This issue is related to payment posting. Review all payments posted to the encounter to ensure they are posted correctly. You may need to reverse and repost to balance the primary payment. If everything looks correct, submit a ticket to Relay Exchange.

When any service line payer adjudication date is present, it must be present on all service lines.

Exception: When the CPID is not in the following list and the associated Service Line Charge Amount is zero, this requirement does not apply. 

1434 1450 1493 2462 2744 7864 1435 1452 2452 2464 3818 7872 1437 1463 2456 2469 4442 7873 1442 1464 2457 2470 7401 8265 1443 1465 2459 2471 7402 9150 1447 1478 2461 2472 7419 9153

LOOP 2430 DTP03 (Qualifier Code: 573) (PDTP037050)

Please review payments posted inside the encounter to ensure they are posted correctly and the dates match the EOB/Check or the ERA. 

Typically, this rejection is due to not including $0 charge lines and the associated adjudication date in the primary payment.

To resolve this rejection:

  1. Review the primary payment.                  a. If any $0 charge lines are still displayed in a white fill versus blue, they were not included in the payment.
  2. To include $0 charge lines in the primary payment, please post an additional $0 fee for the primary payer and ensure you click into any cell in that charge line. This will visibly turn the charge line blue and white, indicating that the line is included in the payment. 
  3. Post the payment. 
  4. Resend the claim to the secondary payer.

To avoid this rejection in the future:

  1. Ensure you include $0 charge lines in the payment by simply clicking any cell in that charge line while posting the primary payment for both manual and ERA payments. 
  2. This will visibly turn the charge line blue or white, which indicates that the line is included in the payment

When the active payer is not Medicare, or Medicare is the active primary payer, the active subscriber insurance type code is not allowed.

When entered, the active subscriber insurance type code must be one of the following values: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 41, 42, 43, 47.

Check the patient’s case.

  1. If Medicare is primary, remove the Medicare Secondary indicator.  This can be found in the yellow folder on the payer line in the patient case.
  2. This Case Payer section should only be used when Medicare is secondary.
PNM10406:INVALID SUBSCRIBER FIRST NAME When entered, the Subscriber name may only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and [!@#$%&()-=+[]{};',./|!@#$%25&()-=+[]%7B%7D;',./]?

Check for special characters within the patient's name, correct the name, and then submit the claims.

If you prefer to add a nickname you cannot use any special characters. The client should use the box for “Preferred Name” to add any nickname.

PN4-0379:INVALID BILLING PROVIDER POSTAL Billing provider postal code must be nine numeric characters, including a valid zip + 4 code extension for the state. You must include the 4-digit zip code extension for the billing provider. Be sure this is included in both the physical address and the Pay To address (if applicable). Re-submit claims after fixing/adding the zip code.
INVALID PAYER IDENTIFIER(CPID) (NM109 LOOP 2010BB) {xxxxx} The CPID is missing or incorrect.

Check the Billing Utilities to ensure the CPID is present and correct.

  1. Add and correct as needed, then resubmit.
  2. Be sure to use OKC Only ID if it exists.
  3. If the CPID is present, check the history inside the insurance payer screen to see when the CPID was added and compare it to the Initial Billed Date on the claim. If the CPID was added after the claim was submitted, you will need to resubmit the claim.
PHI-0117:INVALID DIAGNOSIS CODE When entered, the diagnosis code must be the most descriptive diagnosis code.




Check to ensure you are using the most descriptive code within the encounter. For example, if using code G20, you should pick between G20.A1 or G20.A2.






PAYER ID IS EXPIRED {XXXXX} You are sending claims to a payer that is not active with Relay Exchange.

Check the payer list to confirm the payer’s status.


Access the Payer List within this article.

PSBR0103:INVALID PAYER RESP SEQ NUM CODE The Payer Responsibility Sequence Number must be P.

Open a case in Customer Care Hub. 

  1. To open a case in Customer Care Hub, click here!
  2. For more information on creating a Customer Care Hub login click here.



The active subscriber member ID must be in the following format: C A AN N A AN N A A N N

1. C represents a numeric character 1-9
2. A represents an alphanumeric character A-Z but excluding L, O, I, B and Z.
3. N represents a numeric character 0-9

4. AN represents either A or N
Loop 2010BA NM109

Check the Member ID against the rules in the box to the left.

  1. It may be possible you are using the wrong prefix in the member ID, or something is either missing or incorrect with the member ID # in the patient’s case.
  2. You should also verify you are sending the claims to the correct payer. 
PSVD0106:INVALID OTHER PAYER PRIMARY ID When the service line “Other Payer ID” is present, it must match an “Other Payer ID” on a payer that is prior to the active payer.

Check to ensure the Primary Payer ID in the Billing Utilities is present and matches the Payer ID on the Relay Exchange payer list, update if necessary, then the claims can be resubmitted to the secondary payer. 


Access the Payer List within this article.

PAMT0202:INVALID OTHER PAYER PAID AMOUNT When the other payer's prior paid amount is not equal to the total claim charge amount, the associated claim adjustment amount or service line claim adjustment amount is required. Exception: when the associated other payer non-covered charge amount is present, this requirement does not apply.

The previous payments posted to the encounter may be posted incorrectly. There may be an adjustment code that does not belong or a payment or adjustment amount that does not match the total claim amount. Also be sure if there is any copay, coinsurance, deductible or other on the EOB, these must be filled in on the appropriate columns before saving and posting.  Be sure to check all payment information. You will need to reverse the payments and repost them correctly, then resubmit the rejected claim. 


The service line adjudication adjustment group code is not allowed for payers that follow the active payer.

60.1 – Group Codes (Rev. 2843, Issued: 12-27-13, Effective: 01-28-14, Implementation: 01-28-14) A group code is a code identifying the general category of payment adjustment. A group code must always be used in conjunction with a claim adjustment reason code to show liability for amounts not covered by Medicare for a claim or service. MACs do not have discretion to omit appropriate codes and messages. MACs must use appropriate group, claim adjustment reason, and remittance advice remark codes to communicate clearly why an amount is not covered by Medicare and who is financially responsible for that amount. Valid Group Codes for use on Medicare remittance advice: • CO - Contractual Obligations. This group code shall be used when a contractual agreement between the payer and payee, or a regulatory requirement, resulted in an adjustment. Generally, these adjustments are considered a write off for the provider and are not billed to the patient. • OA - Other Adjustments. This group code shall be used when no other group code applies to the adjustment. • PR - Patient Responsibility. This group code shall be used when the adjustment represent an amount that may be billed to the patient or insured. This group would typically be used for deductible and copay adjustments.

Check the previously posted payments. Ensure the disallowed amount, copay, coinsurance, deductible, other patient responsibility, and the adjustment code column and amounts have the correct information based on the EOB. If posted incorrectly, you will need to reverse and repost.

PSBR0509:INSURANCE TYPE CODE NOT ALLOWED When the associated payer is not Medicare or Medicare is the associated primary payer, the other subscribers' insurance type code is not allowed. Exception: when the CPID is in the following list and the other subscriber filing indicator code is 16, this requirement does not apply: 1104, 1209, 1411, 3449, 6195, 7472.

Check the patient’s case payer information (yellow folder in the patient’s case on the payer line).  The Medicare Secondary indicator should ONLY be used when Medicare is secondary. Be sure to check BOTH payers. Update the case and resubmit claims. 

PDTP0310:INVALID RELATED DISCHARGE DATE When any place of service is in the following list, the related discharge date is not allowed: 3-9, 11-12, 15-20, 22-26, 49-50, 52-53, 57, 60, 62, 65, 71-72, 81, 99.
  1. Check the place of service code.
  2. Update if necessary or remove the discharge date. 
  3. Resubmit the claim(s).

When the accident date is present, the related causes code must be AA, OA, or EM.

AA: Auto Accident

EM: Employment

OA: Other

In the patient’s case, select the appropriate type in the “Patient’s Condition Related To” section.

PCLM0500:INVALID CLAIM FREQUENCY CODE When entered, the claim frequency code must be 1.

This may be due to billing for a New Patient or Initial Consult visit more than once for the same patient. This includes when different providers within the same practice bill as well. It does not matter if the provider has not personally seen the patient before, if an initial or new patient visit has already been billed under the group, any future visits thereafter must be billed as follow-up or subsequent visits. 

Edit, 3429, G1 Segment Exceeds Maximum Use (5) - nullL2010AA.PER..0.0.5 Billing Provider contact information was mentioned more than once.

Under Additional Providers/Billing Provider, you must remove any additional phone numbers under "Communication Preferences" on the far right column.  Relay Exchange only allows one (1) phone number on the claim, even if they are different.

PSBR0502:INVALID INSURANCE TYPE CODE Claim includes 47 Insurance Type Code as the Medicare Secondary indicator when Medicare is not Secondary. 

Check the patient’s case payer information (yellow folder in the patient’s case on the payer line).  The Medicare Secondary indicator should ONLY be used when Medicare is secondary. Be sure to check BOTH payers. Update the case and resubmit claims. 


Review payments posted inside the encounter to ensure they are posted correctly and the dates match the EOB/Check or the ERA. If all looks correct, resubmit.


Review payments posted inside the encounter to ensure they are posted correctly and the dates match the EOB/Check or the ERA. If all looks correct, resubmit.


Review the other payments posted to the encounter to see if they were posted correctly. If incorrect, you will need to reverse those payments and repost prior to resubmitting the claim to the secondary payer.

Often, Crossover claims receive these rejection types. Ensure that you work the primary claim in full, including all line items, before posting any secondary payments


Review the other payments posted to that encounter to see if they were posted correctly. If incorrect, you will need to reverse those payments and repost prior to resubmitting the claim to the secondary payer.


Review payments posted inside the encounter to ensure they are posted correctly and the dates match the EOB/Check or the ERA.  If all looks correct, advise the client to resubmit.

PSBR0509:INSURANCE TYPE CODE NOT ALLOWED Typically caused due to sending Medicare Secondary indicator 47 when Medicare is not secondary.

Check the patient’s case payer information (yellow folder in the patient’s case on the payer line).  The Medicare Secondary indicator should ONLY be used when Medicare is secondary. Be sure to check BOTH payers. Update the case and resubmit claims. 

PCLM0500:INVALID CLAIM FREQUENCY CODE Typically caused by sending 8 for the claim frequency code, but that code is not allowed for the payer (or not applicable for the claim).

You cannot use the 08 resubmission code when the payer only allows 01. You will need to resubmit by going through Manage Claims/Create Claim and selecting the 01 resubmission code before resubmitting.

PSVD0202:INVALID OTHER PAYER PAID AMOUNT Adjudication amount and date are only allowed on claims that have had a payment.

Please review any payments posted to the encounter. Ensure the payments are posted correctly. 

PDTP03A6:INVALID PAYER ADJUDICATION DATE Adjudication amount and date are only allowed on claims that have had a payment.

Please review payments posted inside the encounter to ensure they are posted correctly and the dates match the EOB/Check or the ERA. If all looks correct, resubmit.

Often, Crossover claims receive these rejection types. Ensure that you work the primary claim in full, including all line items, before posting any secondary payments


The payer requires the secondary claim to be submitted 30 days after the primary payer adjudication date.

Note: this rule is specific to BCBS of AR and BCBS of CA.

Claims should not be submitted to the secondary payer until 30 days after the primary payer payment date. Note: this is payer specific and not a general rule.

PAMT0217:INVALID OTHER PAYER PAID AMOUNT Sending primary claim with adjudication information already included.

Please review any payments posted to the encounter. Ensure the payments are posted correctly.

PSBR0900:INVALID FILING INDICATOR CODE Sending a claim to Medicare Part B, for example, but the Filing Indicator Code is listed as Medicare Part A.

Check the Medicare payer in the utilities and ensure the Filing Indicator is for the correct Medicare payer (A or B). You will need to update, save, and resubmit claims.

PPRV0304:MISSING BILL PROV TAXONOMY CODE Sending Billing Provider details but not providing the Taxonomy code.

Ensure the taxonomy code is present in the billing provider (secondary identifier ONLY necessary if the ZZ is not allowed). Then apply the claim-specific rule for this under the payer and resubmit claims. 


Learn more about Claim Specific Rules here.

PPRV0302:MISSING REND PROV TAXONOMY CODE Sending Rendering Provider details but not providing the Taxonomy code.

Ensure the taxonomy code is present in the billing provider (secondary identifier ONLY necessary if the ZZ is not allowed). Then apply the claim-specific rule for this under the payer and resubmit claims. 


Learn more about Claim Specific Rules here.

PAMT0202:INVALID OTHER PAYER PAID AMOUNT This is an out of balance rejection. For example, the total payment amount on the claim and what is left to pay is not adding up to the total claim charge amount.

Payments posted to the encounter will need to be reviewed to see if they were posted incorrectly. If confirmed, reverse and repost before resubmitting to the secondary.

PREF0283:MISSING PAYER DOC CONTROL NUM Claim is being sent to secondary payer and is missing the other payer document control number, and that number is required.

Secondary payer is requiring the ICN # from the primary payer EOB on the claim. Resubmit through Manage Claims/Create Claim and add the ICN# before sending.

Claim is being sent with a service line claim adjustment amount of 0. If sending an adjustment amount, it cannot be 0.

Use claim specific rule: “Remove PR Segments that contain only $0 from the EDI.”


Learn more about Claim Specific Rules here.

CANNOT SEND A UB CPID ON A NON UB CLAIM (NM109 LOOP2010BB) You are using an Institutional CPID on a Professional claim.

Update the CPID to the correct CPID based on the Payer List.


Access the Payer List within this article.

PSBR0500:MISSING INSURANCE TYPE CODE Incorrectly using “Medicare” as the claim filing indicator for non-Medicare secondary payers.

Incorrectly using “Medicare” as the claim filing indicator for non-Medicare secondary payers. Update before resubmitting the claim. 

PSV10704:INVALID DIAGNOSIS POINTER 2 (Note, the same applies for all diagnosis pointer numbers) If the rejection message says invalid, the claim could be missing a diagnosis pointer, or the diagnosis pointer listed in the rejection could be duplicated. 

Open the encounter and correct the diagnosis codes, remove any duplicates, then resubmit the claims.

PNM109B4:INVALID SUBSCRIBER MEMBER ID Member ID must be 12 numeric characters. Note: please check the code in the rejection, as each payer has their own rejection code and different rules associated.

Verify the member’s insurance ID is correct in the patient’s case based off of the insurance card and/or calling the payer to confirm. Be sure to include the appropriate prefixes when applicable.

PSV10122:INVALID HCPCS/CPT-4 CODE Using an expired/deleted HCPCS code based on the DOS.

Determine the correct CPT code to use for the service based on CMS guidelines, as the code currently being used has been retired/removed by CMS. 

PCAS0104:INVALID ADJUSTMENT GROUP CODE Sending adjudication information on a primary claim.

Payments posted to the encounter will need to be reviewed to see if they were posted incorrectly. If confirmed, the client will need to reverse and repost before resubmitting to the secondary.

PPRV0324:MISSING REND PROV TAXONOMY CODE Sending Rendering Provider details but not providing the Taxonomy code.

Ensure the taxonomy code is present in the rendering provider (secondary identifier ONLY necessary if the ZZ is not allowed). Then apply the claim-specific rule for this under the payer and resubmit claims.


Learn more about Claim Specific Rules here.

PN4-0380:INVALID SERVICE FACILITY POSTAL Zip code cannot have invalid zip code extension. For example, 0000 would cause a rejection.

Verify the correct zip code extension and add it to the payer, billing provider, and Service Facility Location in the Billing Utilities.

PHI-0125:INVALID DIAGNOSIS CODE Diagnosis code must be valid for DOS.

Ensure you are using the diagnosis code at the most detailed level. If this is not the issue, you will need to verify you are using the correct DX code for the visit type. 

HCPCS must be 5 alphanumeric characters.

Ensure you are using the DX code to the most detailed level.

PNM10969:INVALID SUBSCRIBER MEMBER ID Active member ID must be 9, 10, or 11 numeric characters for the payer sending this specific edit.

Check the ID against the rules in the box to the left. It may be possible you are using the wrong prefix in the member ID, or something missing/incorrect with the member ID # in the patient’s case. Also, verify you are sending the claims to the correct payer. 

PNM10955:INVALID SUBSCRIBER MEMBER ID Active member ID must have one alpha character followed by 6 numeric characters for the payer sending this specific edit.

Check the ID against the rules in the box to the left. It may be possible you are using the wrong prefix in the member ID, or something missing/incorrect with the member ID # in the patient’s case. Also, verify you are sending the claims to the correct payer. 

PDTP0310:INVALID RELATED DISCHARGE DATE The claim edit is looking at the place of service for the claim and comparing whether or not a discharge date is allowed for that place of service type. For example, if a claim has place of service type of 11 which is office, there would not be a discharge date needed.
  1. Check the place of service code.
  2. Update if necessary or remove the discharge date. 
  3. Resubmit the claim(s).
PN4-0305:INVALID SUBSCRIBER POSTAL CODE Zip code is required and must be valid for the state. Check to see that the zip code being sent is the correct zip code for the city and state.

Check the subscriber postal code against the city and state provided to ensure you are sending a valid zip code.


There is specific formatting for this payer 4 eligible patterns exist): 

  1. R followed by 8 numeric characters
  2. one alpha followed by 2 numeric and ending with 12 alphanumeric characters
  3. 3 alpha followed by minimum of 5 alphanumeric
  4. alpha character followed by one numeric followed by one alpha character, ending with at least 6 alphanumeric characters.

Check the ID against the rules in the box to the left. It may be possible you are using the wrong prefix in the member ID, or something missing/incorrect with the member ID # in the patient’s case. Also, verify you are sending the claims to the correct payer.  

PNM109B0:INVALID SUBSCRIBER MEMBER ID ID must be 8 or 9 numeric characters for this specific payer.

Check the ID against the rules in the box to the left. It may be possible you are using the wrong prefix in the member ID, or something missing/incorrect with the member ID # in the patient’s case. Also, verify you are sending the claims to the correct payer. 

Invalid Character in Data Element (6) - AddressInformationL2010BB.N3..1.0.6 There are extra spaces in the payer address.

Check the payer address in the Billing Utilities to see if there are any additional spaces in any of the fields. Remove them if found, then resubmit.

PNM109D8:INVALID SUBSCRIBER MEMBER ID ID must not begin with xyk, xyl, or xyu for this specific payer.

Check the ID against the rules in the box to the left. It may be possible you are using the wrong prefix in the member ID, or something missing/incorrect with the member ID # in the patient’s case. Also, verify you are sending the claims to the correct payer.  

PN4-0326:MISSING/INVALID SUBSCBR POSTAL Sending invalid zip code.

Check the subscriber postal code against the city and state provided to ensure you are sending a valid zip code.

PNM10949:INVALID SUBSCRIBER MEMBER ID Member ID must be 10 alphanumeric characters for this specific payer.

Check the ID against the rules in the box to the left. It may be possible you are using the wrong prefix in the member ID, or something missing/incorrect with the member ID # in the patient’s case. Also, verify you are sending the claims to the correct payer. 

PNM10928:INVALID SUBSCRIBER MEMBER ID ID must be one of 2 formats for this payer: 9 numeric characters OR 10 numeric characters followed by the letter V followed by 6 numeric characters.

Check the ID against the rules in the box to the left. It may be possible you are using the wrong prefix in the member ID, or something missing/incorrect with the member ID # in the patient’s case. Also, verify you are sending the claims to the correct payer. 

R IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT "NOT USED" DATA ELEMENT PRESENT DATA IN ERROR (RELAY WILL INSERT PROVIDER”S NAME HERE) Billing Provider cannot include more than 1 phone number under Communication Preferences.

Remove any additional phone numbers under Communication Preferences within the Billing Provider Screen in utilities.  There should only be Preference 1 with a phone number and no others. Click on save after removing and resubmitting the claims. 


When entered, the service line payer adjudication date must be on or before the current system date.

Open the primary payment, click on the blue edit button, change the posted date to match the payment date, save, then resubmit the secondary claims.

Helpful tips for crossover claims

When a claim is crossed over from the primary payer to the secondary payer, and the primary payment includes denials you’d like to pursue after posting the secondary payment, you may receive clearinghouse rejections when sending the claim back to the primary payer, including but not limited to:


When sending the claim back to the primary payer in this scenario, and the payer does not want the claim to include prior payment information, you can utilize the Suppress previous payment information on claim feature to suppress prior payment information on the claim.

1. Locate the encounter that includes the claim you’d like to re-work.

2. Select Manage Claims.

3. Select the payer you’d like to send the claim to.

4. Select from the Suppress previous payment information on claim to determine which payment information should be suppressed and from which areas of the claim.

5. Select Create Claim.

6. Determine which line items you’d like to include in the claim, and ensure you’ve selected and entered the appropriate Resubmission Code and Original Ref. No.

7. Then select Send Claim.


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