The Statement Queue within RXNT's Practice Management for desktop helps you manage, generate, and send statements.
Navigate to the Statements Queue screen
From the Billing Application Dashboard, click Statements within the header menu.
The Statements Queue screen consists of the following tabs:
- Pending
- Sent
- Bad Debt
- Bad Debt-Review
- Collections
- Resolved
- Sent to Printing Service
The Pending tab will be displayed by default, and contains statements that are either pending for print or pending to be sent electronically. Any statements in this tab are either generated automatically from the statement cycle, or manually generated using the Generate Statement button in the top right. Also, statements that error while sending move back to the Pending tab.
To see a detailed breakdown of the statements in the Pending tab, click Request Statement Report.
Once the report is generated, click View Statement Report to view it.
The report is available for download in either PDF or CSV format.
The Bad Debt tab contains statements that have reached the bad debt count as set previously within Statement Settings within Utilities.
The Bad Debt Review tab contains statements that have been selected to be reviewed for payments. This tab is only visible when turned on under Company Preferences within Utilities, and any statements will be sent for review from the Bad Debt tab.
The Collections tab contains statements that are ready to be sent to collections. From here, a Collection Report can also be generated to easily share data with your collection agency.
Within the Collections tab, simply click Request Collections Report.
Once generated, click View Collections Report to view the report.
The Resolved tab contains any statements that have been resolved.
The Sent tab contains a list of statements that were sent via SMS, Email, Printing Service or manually printed from the Statement Screen only.
- When statements are selected to be sent via SMS, Email, Printing Service, or manually printed, they move to the Sent tab.
- Additionally, statements selected to be sent to Printing Service are moved to the Sent tab as well as the Sent to Printing Service tab.
In the Sent tab, new columns indicate when statements were sent to the printing service, sent via SMS, emailed, and printed most recently.
Hovering over the icon beside the date will display all dates applicable for each method, while the number indicates the number of times the statement was sent via that method.
For example, a statement that was sent via email four times in total for the selected date range, with 11/01 being the most recent, would display 11/01 in the grid, and a "3" in the icon beside the date to indicate the three additional dates it was sent.
The email and phone number for each patient on this list are also visible.
Report Mode
Every tab under the Statements screen has a "Report mode."
Click the Report Mode checkbox to view additional columns, like Batch Name, Generated, Guarantor Name, Balance and more.
Click the Columns button to select/deselect columns to be displayed on the screen.
Select or deselect any columns you'd like to be visible.
Click Ok to retain the selection.
To set up filters for any visible columns, click the search icon below each column name.
From the dropdown, select an option from the list.
Now that a filter option is selected, enter data in the column search field to display the filtered records.
To remove the column filter, click the search icon again and select Reset.
After you're satisfied with your columns and filters, click Favorites to create and quickly access saved views.
Give your view a name, and click Save.
From the Favorites dropdown, you can also select a particular view to be the default for this tab. This default could be your most used or most important.
If you'd like to return to the system default, click Clear.
Click the PDF button to export the particular view to PDF format.
Click the CSV button to export the particular view to CSV format.
Printing Service Report
Click Printing Service Report to generate a report of all the files sent to the printing service during the selected year.
Update Statements
Click Update All under the Pending tab to update statement details and balances to reflect the latest changes.
Alternatively, click the refresh icon next to any row to update just that particular statement.
Print Statements
Using the checkboxes on the left-hand side, select one or more statements to be printed. Then, select the Print button in the top right.
On the confirmation popup, click Print to continue.
Statements will be printed in batches of 100. The progress of each batch file will be displayed on the screen.
After all PDFs are generated for each batch, simply click Mark as Printed for each one or click Mark all as Printed to mark all statements.
You can also click Cancel to dismiss the pop-up at any time. This will not mark the downloaded statements as printed.
Delete Statements
Using the checkboxes on the left-hand side, select one or more statements to be deleted. Then, select the Delete button in the top right.
To view any deleted statements, click Show Deleted next to Report mode.
Resolve Statements
Using the checkboxes on the left-hand side, select one or more statements. Then, select the Resolve button in the top right.
This will move the selected statements to the Resolved tab. This will not have an impact on the statement balances; resolving a statement just indicates that you do not need to take any other action on the statement. New statements will not be generated for those encounters in the statement unless the balance changes on the encounter.
Generate Statements
Utilize the Generate Statement button in the top right to generate statements manually between automatic statement cycles.
All Statement Settings will be applied to the statements generated manually.
Send Statements
Select the Send dropdown to send statements via Printing Service, Email, or SMS text.
These options can be configured under Utilities > Company Preferences > "Always Send Statements via".
Send to Collections
From the Bad Debt or Bad Debt-Review tab, select one or more statements using the left-hand checkboxes and click Send to Collections. This will move the statements to the Collections tab.
To write off bad debt statements automatically, ensure "Automatic write-off of bad debt statements" is enabled under Utilities > Company Preferences. Enabling this preference will write off associated encounter balances before moving statements to the Collections tab.
Apply patient funds
In the patient fund column of the Pending tab, click on the plus icon to apply available funds to encounters before sending or printing statements.
In the popup, click Apply Funds.
Select the encounter, add the payment amount, and click Save and Post.
Then, update the statement to reflect the latest information.
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