Edit & Resubmit Claim Information

If you need to update your claim information or resubmit a corrected claim, you can easily edit the claim information and resubmit it.

Billing dashboard

Click Encounters


Click on the Encounter Number to open the encounter. 

After making edits, click Manage Claims


The option to Suppress Previous Payment Information on a Claim is available when resubmitting a claim if you have already posted a payment and do not wish to include the payment amount on the claim. 

Select the correct insurance to bill and click Create Claim.


Add a Resubmission Code if necessary. Click Save or Send Claim

Claims that were originally sent to Optum IEDI:

  • Check the Clearinghouse column on the Claims screen to check the original clearinghouse. 

  • If Optum is listed, the Original Ref. No. is not required, as the claim will be routed to Relay Exchange and will be received as a first-time claim. 


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