Creating a claim

Click Unbilled Encounters from the Billing dashboard.


Click on the New Encounter

Ensure that the following fields highlighted below are completed: Place of Service, Service Date, Rendering Provider, Billing Provider, Case, Fee Schedule, Diagnosis, and Coding.  


Save a claim

Click Save Claim when you have completed the information. Saving a claim will run the claim through the RXNT scrubbers. If no changes are needed, the claim will be placed in the Ready to Send Electronically or To Print section based on your claim filing method selected for the payer. 


Send a claim

Click Send Claim when you have completed the information. Sending a claim will run the claim through the RXNT scrubbers. If there are no changes, the claim will automatically be sent to the clearinghouse. 


Sending claims electronically 

Click on Ready to Send Elec Claims on the billing dashboard.


Select the correct claims using the checkboxes on the left side of the screen. Click Send Selected

Sending claims by paper 

Click on Ready to Print Claims on the billing dashboard.


Select the correct claims using the checkboxes on the left side of the screen. Click Print Checked


Additional information:

To send the patient address on a claim instead of the place of service address,  follow the steps below.

Note: This will only apply if the place of service on the claim is linked to the location type Home.

  • Navigate to the Service Facility Location screen using the path Utilities > Practice Setup > Service Facility Location.
  • Select the Location Type as 12 - Home.

  • Click the Use patient's home address for this service facility location checkbox.

  • Click Save


  • Now, every time the Place of Service associated with 12-Home is selected on a claim, the patient's address is sent.

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