There are numerous moving parts when posting insurance payments. Occasionally, you may encounter a situation where you see an ERA on a payer site or where you’ve received a payment but you are not seeing the ERA in RXNT.

In many cases, the ERA is still processing and you can expect the ERA to be available in RXNT within 2-4 hours. However, if 4 hours have passed and you are still not seeing the ERA, follow the steps below.

Requeue ERAs

Start by logging into your ConnectCenter Customer Portal. If you don’t have your login details, reach out to RXNT Customer Support at 1-800-943-7968, option 2.

From the home screen, click Remits.

The Biller ID and Submitter ID will be automatically filled in by default.

You can search the ERA by using one of the following: Payer ID, Check Date, Date Received at Change Healthcare, Check/EFT Number, or Check Amount.

Click Search

The results will be shown. You can filter your search by entering specific details in the fields at the top of each column, based on your search criteria.

ERAs are only accessible for up to 90 days after the initial received date.

Click on the Check/Eft Number.

Click Requeue.

Once you’ve selected Requeue please allow up to 24 hours for the ERA to be visible in RXNT.

A pop-up will appear with the message "Are you sure you want to requeue this file?" Click Yes to confirm.

After you click Yes, a new pop-up will appear with the message "Remittance requeue has been submitted. Would you like to select associated Remittance Reports to requeue?" Click, No.

A confirmation message will appear indicating that the remittance requeue has been submitted. Click, X to close it.

Click Payment Detail to review the payment information. 

Click View EOB to see or print the Explanation of Benefits.

Click Close Window to exit. 


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