Upon submitting a lab order through an interface, you will promptly receive a specimen label in PDF format.
This label is accessible within RXNT and can be printed on specialized label paper. Attach the printed label to specimens before the lab collects them. The label typically contains identifiers or barcodes that the lab uses to match specimens with the corresponding electronic order they have received.
It's important to note that this workflow applies to all labs except LabCorp. If you're using a LabCorp interface, please refer to the dedicated LabCorp section for specific instructions.
Label Sizes
For optimal printing of specimen label PDFs, we suggest using either of these two label paper sizes:
- 30336 (1" x 2 1/8")
- 30252 (1 1/8" x 3 1/2")
These sizes are compatible with most specimen containers and have been tested to ensure that our specimen labels fit within them without any overlapping or truncation of barcodes.
Label Printers
Label printers are not provided by RXNT. Sometimes these are provided by laboratories, but generally, practices should plan to purchase their own equipment to meet their needs.
Each of the following entry-level label printers is widely used, supports the above label sizes, and will work for typical lab ordering volumes:
- DYMO Turbo 550
- iDPRT SP410
- K Comer Label Printer
- Label Range LP320
The DYMO Turbo 550 is the most robust printer of the above recommendations. We especially recommend a DYMO printer in either of these cases:
- You want to print from multiple computers in your office.
- You handle hundreds or thousands of specimens per month at a single facility.
LabCorp Interfaces
For inquiries regarding printing requisitions or specimen labels for your LabCorp interface, please contact LabCorp directly.
It's worth noting that LabCorp offers a unique type of specimen label that is integrated within the requisition PDF, specifically at the bottom of the first page. This requisition can be printed using a specific printer and special paper provided by LabCorp.
Technical Specs
Our label barcodes are customized to meet the needs of each laboratory, and in some cases, practices as well. We currently support the following options:
- Code 128 barcode which includes the Order ID, This format is accepted by all barcode scanners we've encountered and has worked for the hundreds of labs we've worked with.
- Order ID (sometimes also referred to as the Control ID, or Requisition ID)
- The time of sample collection, formatted like so: MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm
- The time the label is printed (same formatting as sample collection time)
- Patient Last Name, Patient First Name (up to 25 characters of the last name, 15 characters of the first name)
- Patient Date of Birth, Formatted like so: MM/DD/YYYY
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