The RXNT Charge Capture app allows users to “record” patient services rendered into a billable encounter. Submitting all claims must be completed on the desktop version of RXNT Billing to attach the billable charge amounts.
Log in
Log in to the RXNT app, then tap Charge Capture.
To access the home screen, return to the dashboard or log out, select the menu icon in the top right-hand corner.
The home screen provides access to charges, charts, and reports.
Returns you back to RXNT mobile solutions.
Logout will log you out of the mobile application.
Choose patient
Type in either the first name, last name, or MRN, then tap Search on the keyboard.
Alternatively, tap the filter icon to search by multiple parameters, including DOB.
Tap the patient's name to enter their charges.
Update patient information
Tap the pencil icon to update the patient’s profile.
Tap into the desired fields to update the information.
Scroll down to update additional fields. Tap Update when complete.
Date of service
Tap into the Date of Service field to select a date.
Scroll to set the correct date below and tap Done when complete.
Add procedure/CPT codes
Before you proceed, make sure that your procedure CPT codes, diagnosis codes, procedure macros, and superbills are set up on the RXNT Billing desktop. These will be available for use in the Charge Capture app.
Tap the Procedure Macro field to add your procedure/CPT Code 9 (optional).
Tap Add Manually to manually add your CPT code(s).
Tap the desired procedure macro(s) to select, then tap Done.
Tap Add More to add another procedure code.
Super bill
Tap the Super Bill field to add your super bill (optional).
Tap the desired Super Bill to select. Tap Reset to revert your selection.
Place of service
Tap the Place of Service field to add your place of service.
Tap the desired location to select.
Add diagnosis codes
Tap the Diagnosis field to select a diagnosis.
Recently used diagnoses will be listed at the top. Scroll to find the diagnosis and tap to select its checkbox, then tap Add once complete. Multiple diagnoses can be selected.
To quickly locate a diagnosis, use the search bar.
If unable to locate the correct diagnosis, tap IMO for a more advanced search.
Add modifiers
Tap the Modifier field to select a modifier.
Scroll to find the modifier and tap to select its checkbox, then tap Add once complete. Multiple modifiers can be selected.
To quickly locate a modifier, use the search bar.
Tap the notepad icon to add a note to the encounter. These notes are for billing purposes and not added to the EHR.
Enter the encounters notes and tap Add once complete. Tap Cancel to return to the charge.
Once added, the encounter notes will show as posted to the charge. Tap the garbage can icon to delete the note. Tap the back arrow to return to the charge.
Submit Charge
Once all data is entered on the charge. Tap Submit to complete.
A charge confirmation popup will appear. Tap Create to complete the charge.
You will receive a message stating the encounter has been created successfully. The charge will now be available on the web version of RXNT Billing Solutions.
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