Attach Documents to Insurance Payments

Attaching documents to Insurance Payments is a straightforward and efficient workflow that promptly associates documents with an unposted or posted insurance payment. It is primarily used when the payer sends an EOB, and the payment must be manually entered. 

Access an unposted and posted insurance payment

You can start by navigating to the Insurance Payment tab in the navigation bar and selecting the Unposted or Posted tab. 

Select the payment you intend to attach a document by clicking on the Green payment icon located in the Payment/ERA column.

Attach a document

In the Insurance Payment screen, click on Attach Doc.


Click on Choose File. Select your document from your saved files on your computer.

Allowed file types: doc, docx, pdf, zip, xls, xlsx, jpg, gif, png, xml, tif, tiff.


Next, add a Title, and Description, and click Upload. image5.png

After confirming the upload, click on the X to exit. image3.png


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