Site Settings Configuration

Site settings allow you to personalize various screens by adding extra fields for additional information. You can customize the Patient Profile, Cases, Encounters, Claims, Statement Queue, Insurance Payments, Reports, and other screens. 

Configure site settings

Click Utilities

Click Tools, and then Site Settings

Use the dropdown Menu to choose the screen where you’d like to add a new field. 

Click the Green + Sign.

Field label

Enter a name for the new field in the Field Label column. For example, if your practice keeps track of patient’s driver’s license numbers, you might label this field “Driver’s License Number.”

Field type

In the Field Type column, you have two options:

Text Box: This allows users to type information directly into the site settings. 

Combo Box: This lets you create a dropdown list of multiple options. If you choose Combo Box, users will need to select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu associated with that screen. 

Selection type

Choose Single or Multiple from the Selection Type dropdown. 

Single: This means users can only select one option from your list of choices. 

Multiple: This allows users to select multiple options. 

Required type

Choose if the field should be Optional or Required from the Required Type dropdown menu. 

Default value

Include additional information regarding the specific site setting in the Default Value column. This information will be displayed within the Site Settings icon on that specific screen.

Active column

The Active column indicates whether the site setting is currently active. A green checkmark means it’s active, while a red trashcan means it’s inactive and is not currently displayed to your users.  

Additional information

If the field type is a combo box, click the blue icon to enter the options that will display in the dropdown list. 

Click the Green plus (+) sign to enter each dropdown option in the Field Value column and include a description in the Field Description column if applicable. The Field Value is displayed in the dropdown list.

Click Ok.

Click Save

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